As for Jesus atonement, it is limited to those whom He has redeemed. This is the elect.
... such is the new radical claim of a few hyper-Calvinists, the "L" of TULIP, which you are claiming to defend.
But you have not offered even one Scripture that remotely teaches this.... and you've just ignored a host of Scriptures that flat-out teach the exact opposite.
Yes, Christ died for "the elect" (no one disputes that) but your whole point is that He died ONLY for the elect. The dogma is not that the effect of the atonement is limited by faith (a position everyone here agrees with - whether or not that faith is seen as from God or self is entirely irrelevant to our discussion HERE), the dogma of Limited ATONEMENT is that the ATONEMENT is limited (not faith), the dogma of a very few hyper-Calvinists (and no one else - ever) is that Christ died ONLY for a few, that God's grace and mercy are available (by faith) ONLY for a minority, that there is a "short list" of persons to whom the Gospel is AVAILABLE to be accessed (whether such is by faith or not is irrelevant, it's only AVAILABLE for some, it only EXISTS for a few).
You have yet to offer ANYTHING from Scripture, from Tradition, from the Councils, indeed from ANYTHING that teaches that Christ died ONLY for the church, the elect, Calvinists. NOTHING to substantiate that the reason not all are saved is because Christ didn't die for them, God doesn't love them. And you have yet to show why the MANY verses the rest of us have offered here are wrong.
All humanity does not have their sins atoned for. If they did, they would all be redeemed.
You have NOTHING..... not anything whatsoever .... to support this radical, new invention of a FEW latter-day hyper-Calvinists, for this "L" in TULIP.... nothing.
Just an absurdly illogical view that if the Bible says something is true in one case, ERGO it must be not true in every other case; your "logic" being that because I love my wife ERGO it is a dogmatic fact that I do not love God. You can find a verse that says Jesus died for X and your whole apologetic is that THEREFORE He did not die for anyone else. This is the only thing from the Bible you've got.
Then you raise this point, which just proves that these hyper-Calvinists have entirely abandoned the Reformation theology of Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - Sola Fide, because your entire point here contradicts it. You insist that faith has nothing to do with anything (it doesn't matter to your apologetic whether that faith is God given or self-created because you just ignore it). You bring up this question assuming there is no such thing as faith (self-created or God given, doesn't matter). Friend, by simply rejecting the soteriology of Calvin, by rejecting the Protestant foundation of Sola Gratia - Solus Christus - Sola Fide, you thus reject that faith is the variable, that is it FAITH that is not universal, because you simply ignore faith entirely. The variable is not God's grace or Christ's work.... the variable is faith. Christ died for all (as the Bible says), it's just that not all trust/rely/depend/apprehend such.... FAITH is what is not universal, not the work of Christ.
Only those to whom God gives faith, have their sins atoned for
Everyone has already agreed with that. Now,
stop trying to change the subject! Stop wesaling out of the dogma and what you've been saying.
You didn't say "God gives faith ONLY to the elect." That I'd agree with. You said Christ DIED
only for the elect. Read the title you gave this thread. That's a whole other enchllada. The hyper-Calvinist invention of Limited ATONEMENT is clearly, flat-out contrary to what God has said, it contradicts a LOT of Scripture and is entirely without anything from Scripture, Tradition, the Councils or anything at all until a few later-day hyper-Calvinists abandoned the Reformation Theology of Sola Gratia-Solus Christus - Sola Fide and invented this radical, new, anti-Scripture (and I'd say heretical) dogma, which you have been parroting but evading giving ANY support to.
Friend, the dogma is NOT that the EFFECT of Christ's work is limited BY FAITH, the dogma is that the actual
ATONEMENT itself is limited.... which is why it's not called "Limited
Faith" but "Limited
Atonement." It's why you entitled this thread, "Christ died only some" rather than "God gives faith to only to some." Perhaps rather than admitting the fundamental error (heresy, really) of this part of the TULIP teaching, perhaps you are just weseling and trying to entirely change what you've said and what the dogma is so as to now agree with every other Christian but a very few later-day hyper-Calvinists? If you have realized the error of this "L" invention (as nearly all Calvinists have)... good! Admit it and we can close this thread.
Now, if you, state verse(s) that say that Christ died
only for the elect, the church, the minority, the few.... so for most, there is nothing for faith to apprehend because for most, it just ain't there just pure void, emptiness, nothingness.
And show why all the following Scriptures are wrong...
1 John 2:2
Isaiah 53:6
Luke 19:10
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Hebrews 2:9
John 1:29
1 John 4:14
John 4:42
John 3:14-16 (see with Numbers 21 where the staff is for ALL who look upon it)