God said, "Let there be light." Was He not able to do that? Same thing when Jesus said, "Repent and believe." It's Him working in us to bring us to repentance and faith to believe.
The original Call to Repentance was to His People, and being rejected, then that Call went to the Gentiles...
And the simple fact is that not all RECEIVED - eg believed and obeyed - that call when they heard it...
And not even John the Baptist the greatest of the Prophets who made that Call was "Saved"...
He was not Saved because Christ did not Baptize him, and later said that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John...
John the Baptist was the Crown of the Prophets...
So the question is not 'Can God do something?" Because of course He can...
God is NOT the one in question regarding Salvation - But YOU are, and I am...
And the life one lives on earth is the basis of Christ's Salvation and Judgement...
God will indeed restore His Creation, and the only question from a human perspective is: "Will I be included or excluded?"
It has never been a question of: "Can I make myself good enough..." Clearly fallen man cannot...
"For in Thy Sight shall no man be justified..."
The real question is: "Can I make myself DEAR enough that God should Save me..."
And THAT "dear enough" you can force upon yourself by repenting from evil...
All men CAN turn from evil as they understand it... [demoniacs not so much]
But few are they who are WILLING to do so...
But IF one is willing to TRY, God WILL be your reward...
And the greater the try, the greater the reward...
The greatest Gifts come with the greatest efforts...
The efforts do NOT EARN the Gifts...
Yet God rewards our desire for Good and our scorn for evils in our soul...
Grace is purchased with alms...
The 5 Wise Virgins entered the Bridal Chamber...
The 5 foolish virgins were sent out to purchase more Oil...
"Sell all and give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven..."
Christ's Own Words...
The question remains: Are the un-Saved ABLE to obey Christ's command to repent and believe?
We already know that the Jews did not...
Were they able or not?
They were unwilling...
And you are right:
ALL good is of God...
Without him we can do nothing...
Yet men do evil...