God works in us to turn us in repentance. We can't turn without Him turning us to Him.
God works in us to have us do good works and produce fruit. Without faith He's given us and guiding us to do HIS WILL, we can't do it.
You state a lot of "we" and "I" type of statements in all of your posts. Maybe you don't realize it? Maybe you don't see that when others look at your posts they see not too many references to God and His work in you but more of what you are trying to do? This is why I am quick to always point you back to God.
so your now saying gods turn every one in opposition to their will.. why then are not all saved ? why use the word "repent ".. it means
change your mind not have it changed for you .. you have a resident atheist on staff ..why is he not saved ?because he refuses to repent ,he refuses to change his mind toward god and until he does he will remain unsaved . but your saying we have free will to not repent .. but we have to free will to repent .. its self contradictory . repentance is NOT automatic .. it doesn't happen without your will. if it did there would be no need for the command to go and preach the gospel .
the thread asks the question what sin did Jesus not die for ... it is trying to entrap people into justifying unrepentant .. but there is a clear example in scriptures raised recently on other threads .
the answer to the op question is ..
the sin that Ananias and his wife did ... willful sin and willful UNrepentance .. there is no longer any sacrifice for . -it is a warning to us all.
if any one is continuing to practice an activity they know darn well is sinful ( nothing ambiguous ) they maintain a lie , they do things for dishonest gain (covet) , they download movies (theft) they look at porn (adultery) etc -then they are serving sin , not the lord Jesus . -its very simple . no need to complicate it - change your minds and stop doing it. Jesus has given us the power to STOP doing it,having set us free from the power of sin and death ... if we love him ,we will get busy DOING what he tells us to do ,instead of ignoring him and DOING sin. -
its all about whom you LOVE the MOST . JESUS had done his part on the cross making it fully possible for us to be new creatures in Christ . he has done it all its ALL JESUS . so why do some then slap him in the face by doing the opposite to his will.. then on a Sunday they sing him a song ???? so insulting .
you cannot accidentally do an unrighteous act and you can not accidentally do a righteous act . your implying an attempt to remove responsibility and consequence .. but god never does . he says God is not mocked what ever you sow you will reap .
turning and following the lord Jesus and doing what he tells you to do is a choice and act of will . will to obey or will myself to disobey .. it is not automated . and automated response
excludes LOVE .
Jesus said "if you LOVE ME you WILL do what I command you .