Long day today, having got the call that our foster daughter can start school tomorrow we had a few things we needed to get sorted out, as well as yard work I mentioned earlier. Then we had arranged a time for her to shoot some hoops with a friend from our church, and then we got to gather everything together and get her to sort out her book bag ready for the morning. It's interesting to see the process from the other side - when I was her age my parents kept telling me to get ready the night before and I kept saying I'd do it in the morning. Now the roles are reversed.
Now I'm chilling with a beer wondering what it's going to be like to get up much earlier than I'm used to. Since tomorrow is her first day at school we said we'd drive her to and fro, and put her on the bus from Thursday. We'll also have some paperwork to see to, and need to talk to the school .