Will we be judged by God according to what we do?
Will we be judged by God according to what God does?
For Justification, it depends on whether you are trusting yourself, directing God's attention to YOU.... or trusting in Christ, directing God's attention to Jesus. In other words, in your heart, is there faith in YOU and what is revealed in the mirror or is there faith in Christ and what is revealed on the Cross? IF you desire God to consider YOU the savior of YOU - then yup, it depends on you. IF you desire God to consider JESUS the SAVIOR of you, then yup, it depends on Christ.
Which is why I keep asking you: WHO is the Savior? You or Jesus? Yes, we all know, Satan will work HARD, Satan will work OVERTIME, Satan will be as persuasive as he can be to convince you this is amazingly complicated and complex.... to make Christ as small as possible and self as big as possible.... to get you to look away from the Cross and to look more in the mirror... because if Justification is based on YOU (even 0.0000000000000001%) then he has you.
Now... changing topics.... going to a topic DIFFERENT than the one of this thread.... addressing what those Justified are to do.... addressing what those WITH the divine GIFTS of spiritual life, of faith, of the Holy Spirit, of Justification.... addressing what Christians are to do.... then it depends on what WE do (empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit which the Justified have). Some Protestants even believe there are very different levels of honor in heaven, and indeed, that we are "rewarded" for what WE do in Sanctification. But of course, all this is a whole other enchilada for another day and thread. Protestants believe that Jesus is the Savior. Period. Ain't rocket science, ain't complicated. Of course, we were excommunicated for believing that and the Western Church split over that point - as you know, we entirely agreed on Sanctification (which both sides stressed as strongly as they could).
You DO agree, do you not, that we WILL ALL be judged by God?
All unto resurrection...
Some to Salvation...
Some to Perdition...
Yes. Those who claim self will be sent to hell because "NO ONE IS RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE" "If ANYONE claims to be without sin, he is a LIAR." But those whose faith is directed to the Cross rather than the mirror, those who claim Christ as the Savior rather than self as the one who needs no Savior... those with faith in Christ as THE SAVIOR, heaven awaits them.
Of course, there will also be a judgement of CHRISTIANS but none will be transferred to Hell because they have missed the mark of absolute perfection 100% of the time (if that were the case, we'd all be transfered to hell immediately upon going to heaven.... and Jesus would be worthless).
- Josiah