Justified freely by His Grace !
Rom 3:24
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
The word freely here, the greek word dōrean:
I.freely, undeservedly,without a cause, or without a reason, or without a consideration, without an condition !
Those Christ died for are Justified freely and without any conditions on their part. Now if we say that man is required to believe [something he does] to act faith, or any other type of gospel obedience to be Justified before God, then that nullifies being Justified freely by God's Grace, on the sole condition of Christ's redemptive work. Once we admit faith or something else of any gospel obedience we do, then we have just made Justification a matter of debt owed us , and hath forfeited any claims to Justification freely by Grace, it has now become something due unto us because we met a precondition of some sort, so then it is no longer a matter of Justification freely by Grace ! 11