You shouldn't be made out as if you were a criminal when you aren't and the ones who have committed an illegal activity are held in higher esteem as if it is okay for them to do something illegal. What other laws are they allowed to break all in the name of escaping persecution from their countries, would it be okay for them to steal to feed their starving children? Suffer the little children to come to me? Would Jesus' words be twisted to approve more crime?
A simple little law that would receive their application and send them back into Mexico would take care of it...
Applying for assylum cannot be a "right of entry" into the US...
Nor bringing your child...
I have seen shoplifting pregnant mothers using their pregnancy and their children to avoid arrest here in the states... And with huge attitudes about "How dare you..." trying to enforce their demands as they started fighting when 7-9 months pregnant... And "Don't you EVEN touch my child!" When they find out it doesn't matter, and they are going to be cited and released no matter what they protest, they give it up... We can do this with citizens, because we know who they are... We cannot do so with foreigners at the borders showing up using their children as tickets into the country... Who once released are utterly unaccountable... The children are placed into relatives' homes, and failing that into Foster Families... These are all tracked, and doing a better job would be a good thing... Indeed, we should have a better - eg larger - policy of migrant workers coming here...
Some migrant workers who went from Egypt to Lybia for work were publically beheaded on the sands of the beach on the ocean there by radical jihadis... We do not do that, and we have compassion for those who try to enter, who were encouraged by the previous administration to come... It is a worthwhile issue... It is not going to be solved by hardening the political rhetoric on the left... Or on the right for that matter...
The whole matter is simply being used as an open borders tool to overwhelm the integrity of our borders...
As such, it is a back-door propaganda ploy to avoid openly discussing the issue of open borders...
I think we have charities in the countries from which these folks originated...
As a country, we simply cannot open our border and let all comers come and stay...
As a person, one can invite a visitor to come and stay awhile...
And one can support a family in their own country...
The assault on our borders is a tribute to the value of our free institutions and the rule of Law and not the rule of men in this ongoing experiment in freedom and self-rule known as the United States of America... We are shifting into a secular state as the number of Christians declines - Will we be able to keep the Faith given once for all to the Saints in a country where governing forces are becoming ever more exceedingly secular...
But the Liberty Bell did crack...
It was only the Roman Empire that became Christian when it moved to Constantinople that lasted a thousand years...
How long can any secular-only government last?