Why should it be edifying... Ephesians 4:29- for one reason.
and the rest of what your saying is a reminder of these words -3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being............................. "
You're still not giving anything useful. Try actually supporting a specific argument instead of using a generic refutation to a generic scoffing.
Here's a simple example. If I show you the remains of a cat that got run over by a truck that's evidence that crossing the road without looking may not end well. If all I come up with is "heed my warning, young one" then you could quite reasonably say that I'm just blowing smoke. "Heed my warning, young one" could cover anything from warning you not to cross the road without looking to not walking under a ladder to not saluting whenever a magpie crossed your path to whatever else.
If you can't support a specific argument with specific reasoning it basically means you don't have an argument. It really is that simple.
the event of these four eclipses are a sign of the time in which we live and it is no coincidence that they fall on the exact days of the feasts the lord who established the heavens also established Unless your suggesting the lord God made a mistake...
Where did I ever say God made a mistake? Do you want to explain why you believe the blood moons are significant, or are you going to continue to spin round and round throwing out generic comments that aren't relevant to what you're trying to claim?
but that would be unbelief
Only a lack of belief in a case that shifts with the sands and appears to lack anything specific to back it. If all that backs it is "there are signs in the heavens" then chalk me up as an unbeliever. If you want to say something specific as to why these particular blood moons are relevant than please do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is waiting.
-and was 2014 more evil the 2013 ?..yes .,. day the day the world grows more wicked and will be as in the days of Noah ..
More generic spinning here. Was 2013 more evil than 2012? Was 2012 more evil than 2011? Was 1989 more evil than 1988? Which of those years had the special blood moons?
i'm sorry you feel the bible is doom and gloom .
Do I? I don't recall saying such a thing. But hey, if you don't have any reasoning to support what you're saying you might as well take the next step and present my own arguments for me. Strawmen are so much easier to knock down than the actual argument being presented.
because it is only that way to those who are perishing ,but to those who have the hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus we look for his coming in glory and there is no doom .for though we die , yet shall we live .
How is this relevant to the blood moons?