When was forgiveness separated from obedience. Evidence of accepting the forgiveness is shown in the obedience.
Obedience is an issue of the LAW. Forgiveness is an issue of the GOSPEL. Sure, we are ALWAYS to be obedient, morally perfect, divinely holy, totally loving.... no one has argued that the law disappears when God gives of faith, no, we are to be PERFECT even as and to the same extent that God in heaven is perfect, we are to the HOLY just as and to the same extent that God in heaven is holy, we are to be LOVING to all 7.3 billion people just as and to the same extent that Jesus is loving on the Cross, we are to make disciples of all 7.3 billion people..... yes, we are to do all that - perfectly, always.
But friend NONE OF THAT is the cause of our forgiveness, NONE OF THAT is the reason for God having MERCY on us. Indeed, if we did that, we'd need no mercy, no forgiveness, no Christ, no Cross.
But none of us do. None of us do. None of us. Not ever. No one denies that we are called to do that, that the Law demands that, no one denies that (it's just some water all that down so much, so very much, as to seem to make it doable - all in an effort to cancel the Gospel and make Christ unnecessary cuz we got me and me KEEPS the Law). It is NOT the case that we must do all that - THEN God will forgive (he'd not NEED to forgive if we did all that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). God forgives us because we sin. And we always will. NO ONE is righteous, no not even one. NO ONE does what is right. SAINT Paul refers to himself as the CHIEF of sinners - still in need of constant repentance, constant mercy, still in need of the Christ, the Cross, the Blood, and will be until God received Him into heaven.
- Josiah