Abraham acted on/in the faith he had been given.
So, pray tell, what is your disagreement with the video, with ANYTHING I or Lamm or Turtlehead or Tigger have posted? Yes, we are
GIVEN faith. Just as God GIVES us physical life, so God GIVES us spiritual life. Just as He GIVES us breath, so He GIVES us faith. Not our doing, our accomplishment, our work. Not at all, not a bit. It's the "free gift of God" (as Scripture says) not instead our doing, our accomplishment.
THAT is what the video is proclaiming,
THAT is what I and Lamm and others have said...... what has resulting in 17 pages of passionate disagreement.
Yes, of course, obviously, undeniably, once God has
GIVEN us faith..... once we ARE saved (in this sense of narrow justification).... once we are given spiritual life and so are no longer DEAD..... then,
after that, as a result of that, we can respond, we can act, we can do..... after that, we are called to follow Jesus, to look to Jesus, to love as we now know Jesus loves us, to love God as we now know God loves us, to go and make disciples of people. Friend, no one in this thread... not one poster in this thread.... has remotely said (or believes) otherwise. But as you know, this thread is not about what the SAVED choose to do or are empowered to do, it's about BECOMING saved, justified. As you know, the entirely issue we are discussing is not what FAITH in our heart means, what being given LIFE means..... it's attaining that faith. Is it by OUR works (such as by the dead person deciding self to life, by the dead person who reject God loving God, by the dead person who doesn't believe in Christ looking to Christ for forgiveness, by the dead person who disbelieves in God looking to God for strength and then adquately tapping it? OR are we GIVEN faith, GIVEN spiritual life? It is our work or God's grace?
THAT, as you know, is the issue. Some of us are holding that faith/life is the "free gift of God" and others passionately disagreeing and rebuking us and proclaiming a very different (in one case opposite) view.
So all your posts are just your way of saying, "Josiah.... Lamm..... Tigger..... the guy in the video..... you're right! Amen!"
But maybe want to add a point that's off-topic, a point no one remotely denies or challenges or questions, an issue different than the one of this thread: Those who have been given faith, given life - are to live accordingly? If so - fine - you aren't disagreeing with ANYTHING I've posted or anyone else here. Certainly not with Lutheranism or with the video. It's just an other issue: that addresses what the Living are to do, not how one becomes alive. OF COURSE, those given life are to live.
Cassia said:
Too nitpicky for me. I would maintain that dedication of the parents to bring up a child rightly is clearly in the scriptures more than any of it.
1. Friend, this is the distinctive point of Christianity, this is the issue on which Christianity stands or falls. It's not nitpicky. If Jesus isn't the Savior, then Christianity crumbles. Modern Judaism, Islam and some forms of Hinduism all teach that we are in trouble! But they teach we don't need a Savior, all we need is the POSSIBILITY of salvation (the door to heaven opened) and ENABLING (God to supply more than sufficient strength) which, if we tapped well enough, we can eventually save ourselves and get ourselves into heaven. Christianity - at its very core, as it's foundational belief - is very different. Christianity teaches that we cannot save ourselves (dead people can't make themselves alive), we NEED a SAVIOR! And the Gospel that God has supplied that SAVIOR! The Gospel of Christianity is not just an echo of what modern Judaism and Islam and some Hindus believe: that God makes salvation possible and gives us all the enabling we need but you gotta save yourself (thus not needing any Savior). Friend, it's not nitpicky: it's THE very point on which Christianity is founded, the very thing that makes Christianity distinctive.
2. Yes, as several of us have repeatedly said, of course, undeniably, unquestionably, once GIVEN life we are to live.... once GIVEN faith we are to be faithful.... Of course, as you know, that's not at all the issue of this thread but no one has remotely challenged or disagreed with that but rather strongly affirmed it. No the 17 pages of passionate disagreement with the video and Lamm and myself and others cannot be about that (we don't disagree with that but 100% fully agree with it) our point is singular: God GIVES the faith, God GIVES the spiritual life, God GIVES us breath, we are saved by the GRACE of God and not (the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu view) by what WE do (enabled by God or otherwise). Of course, it's OUR faith (because it's been GIVEN to us, just as my physical life is MY life) - but that doesn't mean we invented and created it ourselves (empowered or otherwise).
Soli DEO Gloria
- Josiah