You see, as Josiah keeps pointing out but is ignored, if you're playing a role in your salvation then you become co-Savior. You steal away from Jesus being SOLE SAVIOR. So what percentage is your role that you think you need to do before you can get saved according to your theology?
Josiah makes a really good point there. :ewink:
WHY will
you step into heaven? Is it because of what Jesus has done or because of what YOU have done? If it's because of Jesus - then you are saved by grace and Jesus is the Savior. If it's because of you (your will, your cognative decision, your brain, your IQ, your education, your works, your choices, you deeds, your ___________) - then you are saved by your accomplishments and you are the Savior of you.
Another way to look at this is: WHAT, exactly, determines if I get into heaven - and who actually DOES that? You may say that faith is what means I do or do not get into heaven, but if faith is something YOU do, YOU perform, YOU accomplish.... then salvation hinges on YOU and what YOU do. Thus we are NOT saved by Grace but by your accomplishment.... Jesus is not the Savior of you, you are the Savior of you.
Now, I realize, some like to fudge both.... not really all one or the other.... Jesus is not WHOLLY the Savior and self is not WHOLLY the Savior but Jesus did what He could (perhaps), it just didn't save us; what we have is
two CO-Saviors. Jesus is not the Savior but PART Savior along with self.
But Lamm here is right: Then we need to give percentages: Jesus is "X" percent the Savior and self is "X" percent the Savior???? We need to determine what - exactly - Jesus DID do if He didn't actually save you? Is He the "
Doorman" who opens the door to heaven to those good enough or smart enough or jumped through all the hoops well enough - those deserving and accomplishing it? Is He the "
Possibility Maker" who opened the door to heaven but you gotta get yourself through it, you gotta actually save yourself? If He's not the Savior, what is He? And again, if He is only PART Savior, how much is His part, what percentage Savior is He?
Soli DEO Gloria
- Josiah