God promises to lead US...... it's corporate, together, community. God never promised that He'd ONLY or ESPECIALLY lead the singular, individual cult or sect or denomination or church or egotistical person who CLAIMS for self that self is unique in this way. God gave the Holy Spirit to US (all Christians..... together).... God gave the Bible to US (all Christians.... equally.... together).
When some denomination (like the RCC) or some person (like Jim Jones or Joseph Smith or some TV preacher or some poster) claims "The Holy Spirit taught ME...... the Holy Spirit told ME..... " then they are rejecting the church, the body of Christ, the corpus of Christians and elevating SELF uniquely: "God only leads ME (at least infallible, or at least I'm the SOLE infallible follower/student)!"
I don't deny that at times, God HAS done that (inspired Prophets in the OT, Apostles in the NT). But there is no promise of such in the age of the Church. Yes, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would guide US into truth (a point STRESSED by every cult on the planet) - but in that, He promised nothing to any individual cult, sect, denomination, person or office. AND He never promised that there would be ONE individual person, cult, sect, denomination that would be the singular INFALLIBLE/UNACCOUNTABLE follower or student (although this has no kept egotistical, power-hungry people or cults or denominations from CLAIMING Jesus meant to promise that to self alone, just forgot.... this need this to be inserted so as to escape accountability in the sole, singular case of self uniquely).
THAT said..... the doctrine of the Two Natures of Christ IS biblical and IS the result of ecumenical consensus. It comes from the First, Third and Fifth Ecumenical Councils - NOT from any individual person, sect, cult, denomination or church; it's something CHRISTIANS as a whole have agreed upon - completely, entirely - affirming such universally and for centuries. A few - a very, very, very, very few - INDIVIDUALS questioned it (and thus were thought of as heretics) but they were so few as to have no consequence. It was accepted as one of the very, very critical central doctrines of Christianity (indeed, Christianity falls apart without it): Christ is BOTH fully God and Man - always, inseparably. Now.... it does seem that Zwingli in the 16th Century has some very disturbing "problems" with this - and since Zwingli is largely the "father" of modern Evangelicalism, it's maybe not TOO shocking that some "Evangelicals" in the past 100 years or so have discovered Zwingli's issues here - and have taken his views to a radical extreme that would cause Zwingli to scream "Heresy!" This bothers me. In the 20h Century, we found CHRISTIANS - and a goodly number of them - teaching things that WE together, ecumencially, for CENTURIES and CENTURIES, universally, denounced and decried and condemned. Often these don't even KNOW what they are saying has been universally, ecumenically condemned for many, many centuries REGARDLESS of denomination, they don't know because they don't study history, they don't study the Councils, they don't study the Fathers..... and because they've appointed SELF (individually, uniquely, solely, infallibly, unaccountably) as The Interpreter - turning their backs on Christianity, the church, the corpus of Christians. I "see" some (especially modern "Evangelicals") doing the very thing the Reformers rebuked the RCC for doing (and the EOC rebuked the RCC for doing long before the Reformers came alone). Disturbing. VERY, VERY basic, foundational, ECUMENICAL things are being tossed into the trash by those who insist that SELF is The Interpreter, The Student of God, The Follower of God - not Christians, not the church, not us.
- Josiah