1. NO ONE obeys God. NO ONE ceases to be sinful. So, if justification (narrow) and mercy and forgiveness were limited to those who obey, then there would be NO ONE justified, NO ONE receiving mercy, NO ONE receiving forgiveness - but then such wouldn't need any of that, would they? They would need no Christ, no Cross, no mercy, no grace because such obeys.
2. Let's say I buy all here at CH an annual pass to all the Disney resorts. I'm not going to because, unlike God, I'm not all loving or all powerful. But let's say I do. I go online tonight and purchases that, each in the name of each. It's there. But of course, you have to activate it and claim it (and if you don't use it, it's useless and won't benefit you). Now, let's say some of you DO go and claim it..... and some of you DO use your pass. When did this pass become yours, when was it paid for? TONIGHT. By whom? ME (well, not really cuz I'm not the equal of God). Now, you may not benefit from it until June 15, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist since April 18. Our justification was OURS on Easter Morning..... THAT'S when forgiveness, mercy, grace was given to me, you. That's when it was earned, that's when it was paid for. On the Cross - by the Empty Tomb. BY JESUS. Not your obedience, not your goody-goodiness, not by your watering down the law until it becomes an easy worthless hoop to boast your ego. When that mercy is APPLIED to you, it's applied to you - but that's not when it comes into existence, and your applying it is not why it exists.