Thanks for taking the time to watch. I appreciate response from those who have actually viewed or read what I've shared.
The video, which was brought on because of the abortion that is increasing in our time, is actually more about - as the title states - the
"gods" behind the abortion, as well as the child abuse and various sexual sins that I briefly mention. The main point of the teaching is that the enemies of God are trying to prevent - at all costs - the
"sons of God" from being born, or coming to maturity. And the multitude of Scripture I use I believe (and others have agreed) support the Biblical understanding of the
"priesthood" that will inherit creation, including the aborted and abused children, in the world to come.
And you are correct, I often am guilty of tackling several points at once. As with most of the teaching I do at church and in these video's, the Lord speaks to me as I am flapping at the gums and, believe me, I am often learning as well as He brings passages to mind and ties mysteries together. And I probably talk a bit fast for some as well, as I really do try to keep these video's short.
Perhaps a little insight here will also help explain why it's often hard to do short exhortations... The services in the church I was involved with for 20 years rarely went less than 3 hours on Sunday morning, and then we were back for another 2 or so hours Sunday night; with another Tuesday mid-week meeting for another couple hours. In addition we had opportunities to meet for prayer on Wednesdays & Fridays, with home fellowships to boot! And our Elders Meeting was one Monday month. Plus a friend & I headed up a Men's Prayer Group on Thursdays, meeting outdoors every week for 3 years, missing only one or two due to weather. Much like the early Church in Acts 2:42-47.
So, for those familiar with me, 45 minutes or less is not enough. Heck, I once spent 3 weeks preaching on a single verse from Romans chapter 8! (The entire Romans 8 study, which I'm sharing now in the Bible Study section on this forum took 6 months to complete at our church.)
"gods" which the video is about are mentioned in many places through the Bible, and they are indeed real. Honestly, the great bulk of preaching today is not preparing the saints for the battle that we are already in. Eph 6:10-20 is not taking about some pretend Sunday School costume the children put on and march around in; this
"armor" is required for the saints if they are to truly
"overcome" the enemy, stand among the
"worthy" ones in that Day, and enter into the fullness of the promises of God in Rev 2 & 3.
And no, I do not lean toward Mormonism. Long after the Lord started opening my eyes to the understanding of the
"royal priesthood" and the
"co-heirs" of Christ, I encountered some from the Mormon religion and found that there are some points we agree on; although they are way left on some things (as is EVERY denomination I have known), and Mr. Smith's teaching are definitely NOT one to be followed. But the inheritance of Creation, which will include the vast majority of humans born, by those who
"overcome" is clear Biblical teaching. That I cover a bit in another Bible Study I did at church and shared in a few places -
Anywho... my place is to be obedient to the Lord God and His Son Jesus above all else. I'm too old & tired for church games anymore or 'going through the motions.' The time is getting closer.
"Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed." Let us be found among those who
"fear His Name" and are
"preparing the way of the Lord" when He is manifest.
Peace & Blessings to you, friend, and all on the site who follow Jesus.