A good amen if it means "yes, Lord, I believe what you say and I know that you will judge each one according to that one's deeds." But if it means "nice verse, pity it is all wrong." then the amen is wicked and shameful.
Brother, I am not a Lutheran.
Regardless I have always stated time and time again that I believe that the two sides ultimately agree but refuse to believe so thus ever continuing down a theological rabbit hole.
Did you know that a dollar bill automatically has debt attached to it?
So Faith also has goodness attached to it.
God will judge according to your deeds by THY Faith (you may be faithful to Allah or Buddha but your works remain unfruitful entirely)... It is impossible to have Faith and reflect the works of a devil, one can not have both, you cannot serve two masters.
So if one side is pro Faith alone and the other is Pro works in Faith and both are Christian, well by God I believe you two agree! But are both equally hard headed lol