Once the roads are in better shape I need to get out to the hardware store to look at what sort of options I have regarding shower cubicles. The main roads are essentially clear but sometimes snow blowing across the road from the fields can make conditions treacherous. Sometimes it seems like driving on a surface that can shift from tarmac to gravel to wet ice with little to no warning.
I had originally thought to repurpose a small closet into a shower cubicle but that would mean the adjacent room lost its closet, and also make it very difficult to provide any rear access to the plumbing without leaving something very unsightly on a visible wall. If I preserve the closet it will become a little bigger thanks to moving the walls (and can also become just a little wider, given I don't need space for a bathtub beside it any more) and can contain a removable hatch so I can get at the plumbing if I ever need to fix/replace anything. I'll need to figure how best to provide access - what was previously there had a nice convenient inspection hatch but it didn't provide useful access to anything. There weren't even shutoff valves to isolate the bath/shower in case anything leaked. It turned out there is a valve to shut off the hot water but it's totally inaccessible from above and unless you are some kind of mutant with disproportionately long arms it's inaccessible from below as well.
I can see the future of that bathroom being one that contains useful plumbing, with useful valves so I can do things like shut off the sink, shut off the shower, shut off the toilet, without having a very simple all or nothing approach to it all.