to account worthy, judge worthy
καταξιωθῆτε is the 2nd person plural passive indicative - To BE judged or accounted worthy...
"according to worthiness" is the basic sense of kata-axios...
So that theologically, it means that those engaged in the struggle of overcoming demonic powers and principalities, however they are faring in this struggle, be judged according to worthiness, even though they know they are not worthy, because they have not overecome them, and even when they do, it is not they themselves who succeed, but God Who makes their struggle efficacious...
Or as the Psalmist sings: "For in Thy Sight shall no man living be justified..."
And Paul himself only boasts in his infirmities - The "man he knew" who ascended into the third heaven was worthy, as he records, of that event of some 14 years back, but not the one now writing the Pastoral Epistles...