Yes, it clarifies my question.
I remember you from the other place, I hope that does not freak you. Initials for username were A.W, correct? I mention this only because I remember reading posts indicating that these issues have been a problem for some time. Can I assume that for the physical problems causing you pain, you have seen your doctor and taken the meds prescribed? I'm not suggesting this is the best answer, but it's the path most people take, with results that are usually not satisfactory.
I do not know what you know about me, but I can tell you that my wife died of incurable cancer despite all that western medicine has to offer. Despite many prayers too. By me, by her, and by others who knew and loved her. The solution for her particular problem is found in nature, which I found out many years later, and I've come to believe that this is true of many ailments - the earth gives us gifts that are free - we only need to know about them and utilize them.