Can We Talk?
Why is America SO messed up? Why aren't we the liberal/socialist paradise we all want?
I'll tell you: We let stupid people vote. That's right. Over the years, we've given the vote to more an more people (the last, to Native Americans and 18 year olds). But we've NEVER ADDRESSED THE PROBLEM: Stupid people vote! Lots of them! Typically, the majority of voters in any election are STUPID. The Press notes this after nearly every election, we all lament it after nearly every election, but we've never done ANYTHING about it!
We will continue to find LSD illegal and guns legal.... we'll continue to find the abortion rate decline and kids praying as the calc tests are being passed out.... we'll continue to find mean cops and the military... we'll continue to find capitolism.... as long as we allow STUPID people to vote. We all know it. It's the proverbial elephant in the room (as the Press reminds us the day after every election).
But you ask: Josiah, how can we stop this? It's easy. Look to the USSR, Red China, North Korea and other smart countries! First, all we need to do is note party registration. If someone is not a registered Democrat, they are stupid. Right? And the government needs access to how a person votes, if they vote for a Republican or in some non-liberal way on propositions, then they are stupid. Right? The press reports this constantly, we all know it passionately. So, just don't allow non-Democrats and non-liberal voters to vote. Now, let's be big and gracious about this: IF they change their party registration and state they have seen the light, let them vote again! If they show they are now smart, bingo - free to go. Now, of course, we'll still have passionate elections as smart liberals try to be more liberal than their opponents but we'll have SMART people because only SMART people can vote.
Friends, abortion will never be declared a Sacrament if we don't do this. Friends, we'll never get rid of cops and the military and marriage if we don't do this. Friends, we'll still have a flag and borders if we don't do this! We'll never get rid of cars and plains if we don't do this! We'll never get free housing, free health care, free vacations, free drugs if we don't do this!!!!
It's easy.