Not exactly.... The resolution (like the great majority of the resolutions.... again, I was there) were expressing the opinion of the assembly. Yes, I think there was one or two resolutions that once passed were said to "express the view of the LCMS in convention" (yet another pro-life resolution) but note the "in convention." And a whole LOT of "we appreciate you" resolutions (dozens of thank you resolutions) but these were not doctrines or binding.... we have pro-choice members and clergy in the LCMS...
I think they CAN "in good conscience" just as Faith's pastor said. It's not dogma. It's not binding. No one is asked to agree with Convention resolutions. Now some DO things (we authorized - AFTER THE FACT - the closing of a college and yup the college closed, before we authorized it, in spite of my vote to not do so) but this wasn't a teaching, it was an administrative issue.
Every human organization as a whole has opinions. Trump is pretty popular in the Republican Party right now, doesn't mean you can't in good conscience be a Republican.... Trump won the nomination of that party in 2020 yet nearly 50% of Republicans did not vote for him in the primaries... doesn't mean those 49% can't be Republicans in good conscience. Now, I agree, there's a difference if the view of the organization declares DOGMA - a position that is binding (even if only in theory). I left the RCC because of a FEW (you could count them on one hand) of DOGMAS that I would be required to state to God and the Church that I hold as true, and I could not do. Purgatory... Infallibility of the Pope... a couple of others. And some DOGMAS I didn't hold as false but couldn't say I hold as true (some Marian views, for example). DOGMAS. REQUIRED (although God knows LOTS of "Catholics" don't - people our Deacon condemned). In the LCMS, I was asked to agree with Luther's Small Catechism (and only the doctrine sections of that - maybe 8 pages). I could - in good conscience - state to God and the Church that I did (and do). The age of the Earth never came up in either denomination for a very simple reason: It's not dogma in either.
I honestly think the issue of this thread was settled a long time ago.... Faith learned that neither the RCC or LCMS have doctrine here, neither require that anyone has a certain view on this. As her pastor told her that - and she accepted it. He seemed to have no issue with her opinion as to the age of the Earth.