Battle for the minds of men


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The reason we are most familiar with it is that it is on this day that Divine Justice is soon to be meted out to all individuals and to all nations. It is the date on which the cases of all of G-d's creatures come up before the Heavenly Court for a ten-day "trial" beginning on Feast of Trumpets, which is the first day of the Ten Days of Repentance, and climaxing on the Tenth of Tishrei with the Day of Atonement, Day of Atonement, when the fate of each one is sealed. These ten days could be like the test that Daniel experienced as he continued to live as God wanted in the face of Babylon ways.

Day of Atonement, the Sabbath of Sabbaths, is observed the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tishri, or as we understand it, somewhere between September and early October in the secular calendar. The Holy of Holies was never entered into except for this one day out of the entire year. In the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant and enthroned between the Cherubim on the Ark was the manifest presence of God.

God was in that room! Somehow the Almighty, Infinite God, the King of Universe himself had taken up residence inside that room. To enter was to literally be in the presence of God. Once a year, on the holiest day of the year, the holiest man in the world had to enter the holiest place in the world. He had to enter into the presence of the Holy, Holy, Holy, and Lord of Hosts.

He had to enter in order to make atonement for Israel, for the Holy of Holies, for the Tabernacle and for the altar. Because these things were continually in the presence of God, they needed to be atoned for.


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God in this covering, is giving it His blessing, and His sanctification, and these are for us. Which covering of God, they will be cast down with the rest of the abominations. Before entering the Holy of Holies, the High Priest immersed himself and put on simple, white, linen garments. Then with two handfuls of incense and glowing coals from the altar, he entered.

He effected atonement for Israel and the Tabernacle through a complex series of blood rituals and sin offerings. In these rituals, he carried the blood of the sin offerings into the Holy of Holies and splashed it seven times on the Ark of the Covenant, then seven times on the curtain which divided the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Tabernacle and finally seven times on the altar of incense which stood before the curtain. These rituals were intended to provide the necessary covering of blood atonement for everything to do with the temple and its services.

The first Day of Atonement took place after Moses returned from his second trip to Mt. Sinai with the replacement set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments. He had broken the original set when he returned the first time to discover the children of Israel worshiping a golden calf rather than God, who brought them out from Egypt.


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Moses successfully pleaded with God on their behalf and this would have been the first atonement for the people. He also ascended the mountain for a second set of tablets. In Moses' absence, the nation fasted from sunrise to sunset. Moses descended the mountain on the tenth of Tishri. Upon returning, Moses found the nation truly repentant and announced that God had forgiven them. He decreed that the tenth of Tishri would remain a day of atonement for all generations. In order to receive an inheritance, you must be taken back into the God’s fold, if you do not meet with the Lord at His appointed time, how can you receive the blessing?

The sins are atoned for only on the Day of Atonement. Atoned as in purged, gone off the record books of Life. We know that in the book of Hebrews the work that Yeshua is doing in the heaven has been towards the final atonement work. We know that in Revelation is the effects of the atonement of Yeshua in the heaven at work and we will see its effect upon the world.

In these days speculations will abound, but the Lord declares, "The secret things belong unto the Lord," The voice that spoke to Israel from Sinai is speaking in these last days to men and women, saying, "You shalt have no other gods before Me." The law of God was written with His own finger on tables of stone, thus showing that it could never be changed or abolished. It is to be preserved through the eternal ages, immutable as the principles of His government in heaven and in earth. Men have set their will against the will of God, but this will not silence His words of wisdom or command, though they may set their speculative inventive theories in opposition to the teachings of revelation, and exalt human wisdom above a plain, "Thus said the Lord." they will not prosper in truth.


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The 10 Days of Awe (Feast of Trumpets) are a time of deep introspection, reflection, and contemplation leading up to the actual Day of Atonement, which is itself the most solemn of all the days on the Jewish calendar! In fact, this day, the Day of Atonement, though called a "Feast" day, is actually a day of Fasting and humiliation, a day in which they are commanded to "deny" themselves (in fasting and in refraining from all pursuits of pleasure and gratification.) It is called a lasting ordiance because when it is fulfilled the effect will not be like with earthly priests who had to do it every year, it will be done once by Yeshua as our High Priest and its effect will last us all eternity.

The seven trumpets will test to see what type of metal you are made of. By the Day of Atonement, when the Lord opens up the Book of Your life....the polishing will be finished, the potter will have finished molding your character that is to hold His spirit, the temple which is you. Can you hold the Spirit of God within you perfectly?


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Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement is in the Sabbath of months (Seven month). The whole month is a sabbath. It is a time for introspection, self-correction and prayer. It is a Sabbath of rest from sin, a very holy time, an appointed time that God has set aside to deal with sin once and for all.
By the end of the Day of Atonement, the judgment is signed, sealed, and set. The books are closed. The gavel falls. Every human being is inscribed either in the Book of Life or the Book of Death. One last, long trumpet sounds at the end of the day as the gates of heaven swing shut and close.

In discussing the Day of Atonement it is helpful to accurately define the word "Atonement." Atonement does not mean forgiveness of sin. It is from the Hebrew word kaphar which means, "Covering". This is the one day a year when the High Priest is to create a covering for Israel, separating the sin from the sinner forever. This covering, is the robe of righteousness, that fine linen you have been looking for. This is the wedding day when Yeshua will marry His bride.


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The sense in which the word is used is as a covering-protection from danger. The idea is that God is dangerous, as a consuming fire, sin does burn up, melt like wax. If common, mortal, finite and sinful man is to enter the presence of the Holy, Immortal, Infinite and Righteous God, the man must be covered (i.e. atoned for) or he will be consumed and destroyed by the presence of God.


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For example, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden enjoyed the presence of God. They walked with him daily in the garden. Then they sinned. Their eyes were opened and they immediately realized that they were naked. They immediately realized that they were which covering. Instinctively they began to try to sew fig leaves together to cover themselves because they knew God was coming, and they knew they could no longer withstand his presence. They could not enter his presence which covering. Their effort to cover themselves, however, was futile; so when they heard God's voice and knew that he was entering the garden, they hid themselves. They could not come face to face with him.

After judging them, the book of Genesis tells us, that God made garments of skin to cover them. Thus the story of the fall of man leaves us with our first glimpse of atonement. God kills an animal to cover Adam and Eve. It is the first record of death in the creation, and it is a sacrifice meant for a covering.


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Perhaps this was the very first Day of Atonement. According to tradition, Feast of Trumpets is the anniversary of their creation. Is it possible that 10 days later was the day they sinned?

Another example of the need for atonement is found in the story of Moses and the Golden Calf. After Israel sinned by making the golden calf, Moses ascended Mount Sinai to interceding for them. God was ready to destroy Israel; He was unwilling to even let His presence be among them. He said, "I will send an angel with Israel, but I cannot go with you or I might break out against you and destroy you." Because of the sin of the calf, Israel found herself unprotected.

She has no covering. She is in danger from the presence of God. But Moses says to Israel, "Perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." . He fasts for forty days and nights, and then goes back up the mountain with the two new tablets. The two tablets are meant to replace the ones he broke when he saw the calf. He goes back up the mountain; back up into the presence of God. On the mountain Moses implores God for mercy and requests to be shown all of God's glory.


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Face to face. God replies that no man can see his face and live. Moses would be consumed by God's glory. Instead God offers to cover Moses with his hand, hiding him in the cleft of the rock, while God passes by and declares the full meaning of His Name. He offers to tell Moses exactly who he is. He offers to reveal to Moses his essential person. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, 'The Lord, the Lord,*** the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.

This experience that Moses went through was the first time in record history that the full extent of God's mercy and grace were revealed. Moses already knew God was gracious, he already knew he was abounding in loving kindness, but to what extent he probably never realized, until that moment when God covered him with his hand and proclaimed his Name.


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Only then was it made clear that God is so Holy and pure that even when He reveals Himself it is only the essence of God and a better understanding of the meaning of his Name. In the Day of Atonement, we need to readily admit that we have no nothing, no worthy deeds, no spiritual strengths of our own; we have nothing to show God, nothing to tip the scales of judgment in our favor, except Yeshua. We have no basis to ask for mercy except for this, "You are the Lord, the Lord, gracious and compassionate:

The Second Time Moses, with the Ten Commandments, comes down from Mount Sinai, God makes a new covenant with Israel. When the people see Moses, his face is radiating brilliance from being in the presence of God. Moses achieved covering for Israel's sin. According to Jewish tradition, the day Moses came down from Mount Sinai was in the fall at the time of fall feasts.

The picture of Moses in his second coming is startlingly messianic. On Moses' first trip down the mountain out of the presence of God, the tablets were broken. Like Christ himself, the Word was broken for the sin of the people. After this initial descent down the mountain, Moses returned to the God. He went back into the very presence of God to make atonement, to effect a new covenant, to reveal the true and essential person of God. He was able to reveal the full extent of God's mercy and grace. These things accomplished, he then returned, bearing the New Covenant in his arms. He came down from the Father in splendor, in glory, in brilliance, terrible to behold.


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On the Biblical calendar, the tenth day of the seventh month is the appointment known as Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is the Holiest day of the Biblical year. It is a day of intense prayer, fasting and calling out to God for mercy and grace. It is a day for doing business with God. It is a day for coming face to face with God. We can see an intersection of three holies. On the Day of Atonement, the Holiest man in the world (the High Priest of Israel) goes into the Holiest Place in the world (the holy of holies) on the Holiest Day of the year (the day of Day of Atonement). Let’s not take this lightly as others have died from assuming that this can be done in any manner.

And so it is today, God wants to come and speak directly to each and every one of us, so that you can believe in God and His Word forever. We are to prepare our hearts and minds to meet with in a personal way the almighty God. God has provided a way into the Most Holy and into His presence.

This is the time that communion with the Lord will be the most blessed than at other times. These are the Lord’s set aside times just for talking with you personally.


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Blotting Out
So also in the spiritual journey with the Lord, we travel with the Lord when He travels, stay where He puts us until under inspiration, we are lead into more truth. Then we travel on in our journey, looking for all the gems of truth along the way, like precious manna from heaven, we gather them. Growing spiritually with each insight into the truth by transforming and renewing our lives by overcoming and not bring Yeshua any more stripes upon His back for our iniquities. That is glorious to God. That will also be the latter glory spoken of. God tells us that He will “blotted out, as a thick cloud, your transgressions, and, as a cloud, your sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.” This is the promise; this is our call to come home to Him who is our Creator and Redeemer. Let us bow down and worship as our King and ruler of our lives.

This is also the time of the Coronation, when Yeshua will be crowned King of kings, Lord of lords, and it will be given unto Him all nations, people and languages. He will go out and conquer every theology, and everything that is not in truth, freeing His person to come home to Him who is able to redeem them from among men. They will come out of great tribulation both in mind and turmoil that the last message brings on earth. They hear His voice and they follow Him, for He is their Shepherd. So let us lay aside every weight or sin that so easily slows or trips us up and embrace His world.


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Like the trumpets announced, this event is for the kings and priest of God, whom Yeshua is the chief. Let us go back to the sanctuary as priests and make the sacrifice that is necessary to be one with Yeshua.

It is customary to wear white on the Day of Atonement today, which symbolizes purity and calls to mind the promise that our sins shall be made as white as snow. The linen mitre is a Holy Crown of the King of Kings. This is a royal battle upon which is fought over the Temple of God. Satan wants to sit on the Throne of God. He will make the ultimate last final show as Yeshua, an imitation of such majestic proportions that it will deceive everyone and if it were possible, even the very elect.

It is be so majestic and wondrous that the whole world will wonder and worship him as if he was the real Yeshua on His Second coming to bring in the New Reign. Just like it is in the services, when two identical goats are brought before the congregation, and one is chosen for the scapegoat, so also will we chose to sacrifice the one who is chosen for God and lay the sins of the whole world on the Satan. In making atonement for himself, the High Priest symbolic was representing Yeshua who is our High Priest who will purge us of all our sins.

That particular verse in Isaiah 22:14 talks about those dead before the purging occurs in the Great Day of Atonement. Purging obviously occurs for both inside and outside the believer’s community; it will have the desired effect among the community of believers while it does not work on others.

Revelation 1:6
Lev 16:3
Is. 1:18
Lev 16:5
Psalm 51:7; Psalm 65:3; Psalm 79:9; Proverbs 16:6; Isaiah 1:25; Isaiah 4:4; Isaiah 6:7; Isaiah 22:14
Isaiah 27:9; Ezekiel 43:20
Ezekiel 43:26; Daniel 11:35; Malachi 3:3; Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17; John 15:2


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This will be the time when the wheat and the chaff will be separated by God forever. Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

This work is His, for by Himself he will purge our sins, by the work of the Holy Spirit, they shall be cleansed out of our nature, out of our hearts, and out of our lives. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself which spot to God, purge you from dead works to serve the living God?

Wouldn’t you like it when you have " more conscience of sins." We know that this has yet to occur for we are all still very conscience of our sins and sinfulness and the need for redemption process by Yeshua. Then you once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. The day will come when Yeshua will not longer offer salvation because there is no more need.

But I must warn you that if you lack this understanding then you are blind.

1 Corinthians 5:7; 2 Timothy 2:21
Hebrews 1:3
Hebrews 9:14
Heb 10:1-2
Hebrews 9:22
2 Peter 1:9


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You might even forget that you were purged of your old sins and fall again back to the old habits. You can not look forward to His second coming with sins on your soul. "For the law having a shadow of good thing to come and not the very image of the things, can never ....make the comers there unto perfect....because that the worshipers once purged should have no more conscience of sins"

The work of the High Priest (Yeshua) is on the perfecting of the saints to sin no more, to be in perfect harmony with the will and word of God. "For by one offering he has perfected for ever them that are sanctified....Now where remission of these is, there is not more offering for sin" So when the Day of Atonement is over in heaven there is no more offering for sin, judgment comes (the plagues), and the end of the world.

The first marriage was at the foot of Mt Sinai, where the Lord took to wife Israel, but the second marriage, or re-marriage hasn’t taken place yet, we are all still in a state of betrothal. This is to make sure this will be our final choice for a husband, because this marriage will last for eternity. There was one marriage covenant with God, and those people broke this or as scripture says “the fault is with them.” Yeshua has come to re-new that marriage covenant with us humans.

Heb 9:26-28
Heb 10:14, 18
Psalm 12:6; 1 Corinthians 1:10


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Remember all are invited to the wedding but they have to have the proper attire (pure garments) but the marriage is between God and the human race. Now the Bride may present herself spotless before the groom.

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his Statutes, and to keep his commandments. It is God who can make you perfect. It is His law that is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. I hope you will be able to say “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. And say also “I have seen an end of all perfection: but your commandment is exceeding broad.” Because you know the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.

You see all the Lord is looking for in the final harvest are those who by faith are walking in truth in the last days.

1 John 4:17; Psalm 18:30
1 Kings 8:6; Psalm 18:32; Psalm 50:2
Psalm 19:7
Psalm 37:37
Psalm 101:2
Psalm 119:96
Proverbs 4:18
Proverbs 11:5
Isaiah 18:5; Isaiah 26:3


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It is in the last days of earth’s history that the concept that the Lord has wanted perfected in the minds of men, is that it is possible to obey His laws perfectly, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the example of our Lord Yeshua and as Jeremiah says “…the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days you shall consider it perfectly. So let us strive to be like God “Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

It will be the 144,000 in whom is no guile, those who have become perfect in the last days when the world will become so wicked, they will shine in contrast just like Yeshua predicted when He prayed to His Father, “I in them, and you in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them, as you have loved me.”

This can only be done with the constant dwelling on the Holy Spirit, which has to be invited in to stay and transform your life with the renewing
of your mind with His world.

Just as when Yeshua came to take away the priest ministry from the earth, to perform the final works of salvation, so must we also become the part that fulfills the prophesy of perfection in Christ that He is waiting for. As 2 Timothy says “That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” And being made perfect, Yeshua became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

Jeremiah 23:20
Matthew 5:48
John 17:23
Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 1:10
1 Corinthians 13:10; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 4:12; Ephesians 4:13; Philippians 3:15; Colossians 1:28; Colossians 3:14
Hebrews 5:9


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So let me challenge you to move on leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ and into the deeper matter for which is the body of Christ. It is unbelieveable that God believes we can be perfect. But we need to understand what is perfect in His eyes. It is not perfect like a perfectionist views it; it is perfect in His eyes when with our character and personality we do His Will. So how can we be perfect?

Our perfection comes with looking into God’s kingdom and in His law that is the perfect law of liberty, the one to be written in our hearts, so that we are not just forgetful hearers but doers. It is a continuous learning process where we do the things that God has shown that please Him and as we do them we get better and better at it. I am not saying that this is going to be easy or that it isn’t painful at time, but God knows that surgically removing sin from your walk in this life can and does hurt.

Many have been taught that it is impossible to be perfect as God is but Yeshua is our example that it is within all of our reaches. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. So what will help you understand how to be perfect? What do you need to focus in on that will help you understand the will of God? The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. So be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Hebrews 6:1
Hebrews 10:14; Hebrews 13:21; James 1:4; James 3:2
James 1:25
James 2:22; 1 John 2:5
1 Peter 5:10
Deuteronomy 32:4; 2 Samuel 22:31; Ps 18:30
Job 36:4
Psalm 19:7; Psalm 119:96; Isaiah 26:3
Matthew 5:48


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Yeshua said, "If you want to perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." And for some people that is exactly what it will take to separate them from the things that do cause them the most trouble when it comes to following God.

Only when you have rid your mind of the things of this world can you see clearly what is His. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. Many do not understand the changes that go on in the life of a believer, some changes are small and undetected by the world, others are influencing and effecting those around the believers, but the change brought on by the working of the Holy Spirit are changes that have an everlasting effect. Because when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

We have must be able to have the faith that Yeshua offers. What is that faith? It is to be like Him. Look at verses thirty-eight of chapter 11 again. These people who do leave the worldly ways are not the popular people of earth.

What does that mean? They didn’t receive the promise. Every one of them thought they were going to. Abraham honestly looked for the city where God lives, but they received not the promise. Does that mean they never will get it? No. God having provided some better things for us and one of them is that the last day people will finally get it, and then perfection comes to them.

Matthew 19:21
Romans 12:2
1 Corinthians 13:10
Hebrews 12:1
Hebrews 11:38-39
Hebrews 11:40


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The Great Imitation of Jesus Christ

As you can see from the verses provided, that is what all of creation is waiting for, perfect in Christ is possible, and with God all things are possible. Now let’s go back to the temple to see what else the Lord will on the Day of Atonement.

“And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.” There were two scapegoats brought before the temple.

And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD's lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering. But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness.

One was for the cleansing of the temple of all the dealings with sin, once and for all, which is what Yeshua is going to finally accomplish. When this sacrificial goat was appointed, the high priest pronounced, "For God" and the throngs of worshipers would fall on their faces and call out, “Blessed be the Name; the glory of His kingdom is forever and ever.” Then the goat was slain. From there the goat of God is no longer before the congregation, and what they are left to see before the temple is the other goat.

Lev 16:7-8
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