Friend Mark....
1. You are the one who stated that these few folks have recently "stripped" the words of their meaning. It's your claim, not mine.
2. IMO you stated that the reason is so that Atheist can avoid the "burden of proof" that they insist the opposite position has. It's YOUR claim (not mine) that some Atheists have now insist their position has no burden of proof - the same burden of proof or at all.
3. IMO, I've simply noted what you said. For a long, long time I asked WHY this gymnastics, this "stripping" you stated has been recently done by some, the REASON for this recent creation of this (to me entirely nonsensical) postion of "Atheist - Agnsotic" and for just as long, you evaded it. Tigger wrote a powerful post (he's a former Atheist) which you chose to ignore but eventually, it seems to me, you confirmed exactly what he stated.
Mark, OBVIOUSLY.... ALL propositions carry a "burden of proof" - it's just as you noted, some "Atheists" recently have stripped words and now claim that positions have a burden of proof - except one: Atheism. Hum. They now insist the theists (God is) have an extreme, radical burden of proof - but the antithesis (Atheism) does not - they've decided recently to exit the boat, to not place themselves in "the same boat." I think the reason for that is obvious.
You ask why this newly created position of Atheist/Agnostic is a contradiction, nonsensical. Well....AGAIN........ "the number of sands on the beach is odd and I have no position on whether the number of grains of sand on the beach is odd or even." "There is no life on Mars and I have no position on whether there is life on Mars." "There is no God and I have no position on whether the divine is or is not." You see those as consistent, logical. I see them as nonsensical, illogical, absurd.... and surely done with some intent. Honestly Mark, you can't see the nonsense of that, the intellectual dishonest of that ???????????????? Really?
Mark, you confuse verbs with nouns.... And again.... "BELIEVE" is not a proposition and NEVER has ANY burden of proof. I can say "I BELIEVE my wife will cook tonight" but it is impossible to prove whether I BELEIVE that or not, but it's irrelevant since BELIEF is not a proposition and has no burden. What we are discussing are the two opposite, antithetical propositions: GOD IS..... GOD IS NOT. One is called "Theism" and one is, by necessity, called "Atheism." In epistemology, the antithesis always has an "A" in front (from the Greek meaning NO, NOT). And yes, there is a third option: No position, no verdict "I don't know if there is life on Mars or not - both are possible, neither seems confirmed" a position that is called "Agnosticism" (a term that applies in epistemology to ALL propositional statements - the "neutral" position is always "Agnosticism" (it's not just a term used in this debate over the divine). But these are 3 mutually exclusive positions, impossible and illogical and nonsensical to combine.
But as you noted, these few who recently played this semantic gymnastics, who recently invented this new position of Atheism/Agnosticism was invented so that the one so labeling his/her proposition can leave the boat of accountability, can deny SELF the burden of proof - but no other. See Tigger's very insightful post (that you eventually seemed to verify).