So why isn't everyone saved?
Is God mandated to answer every "question" of anyone? Or do questions serve as the norma normans for theology? How can God be three yet one? How can Jesus be 100% human and 100% man? Ah.... do my typing the questions prove or disprove anything whatsoever?
But I think the problem is not so much people having enormous pride and considering their own puny, fallen, limited brains as above God's written Word and revelation..... Even greater than such absurd egoism and subjecting of God to self, the greater problem is that often the "answers" self gives to the "questions" of self are regarded as normative in spite of God's words needing to be therefore deleted.
Until the 16th Century, Christian theology was called "Christian MYSTERIES." Until the Enlightenment and it's claim that the brain of self is above all (including God), when the theories of man "trumped" the revelation of God, people accepted that we have MYSTERIES - truths that simply are outside out questions, our understanding. Indeed, people once believed that Scripture was correct to state that we are STEWARDS of the MYSTERIES of God - not that it is our job to correct Scripture by our asking ourselves questions and then insisting that self is smarter than God and thus can answer it (making God agree with self).
Friend, your question might be valid. Perhaps. But it doesn't change the foundational truth of Christianity: Jesus is the Savior, it's Jesus who saves us. A puny, fallen, sinful, uber-limited, non-divine brain MIGHT theorize that God gets off seeing some eternally burn in hell or a host of other creations of a fallen, limited, sinful, puny, non-divine human brain. But that doesn't make it true.... and doesn't make the foundational point of Christianity wrong.
My now sainted grandfather used to say that confessing "I don't know" is often the wisest thing one can say. But it takes a humility that modern "Enlightened" man - so in love with human brains - finds hard to do.
Soli Deo Gloria
- Josiah