A greater level of religiosity among a population doesn't equate to less crime, in fact just the opposite seems to be indicated by the statistics.
That's sad.
The Effect of the Revival on Wales
Thousands of people were saved. Public houses became almost empty. Men and women who used to waste their money getting drunk were now saving it and giving it to the church. They were using their money to buy clothes and food for their families.
Stealing and other offences became less and less. Often a magistrate came to court and found that there were no cases for him to try.
Men who blasphemed learned to talk purely. The miners put in a better day’s work but the pit ponies could not understand what had happened to the miners as they spoke to them more kindly. They were so used to being sworn at that they became disobedient!
People who had been careless about paying their bills or paying back money they had borrowed gave back all they owed.
People who had quarrelled forgave each other and were reconciled.
Society was changed and Wales became a God-fearing nation.