Just finished mowing, whipper snipping and spraying half my yard. Yeah - just half. I still have not gone to sleep from night shift and am a bit exhausted but I had to do something substantial today with it. Finally get a few dry days among weeks of mostly rain - and right on a day where I don't have to get ready for work in another 8 hours or so. That means, sleep for 7 then get ready in 1.
I would like to completely ditch the Round Up - but I'm not to that point yet. Also got a new more powerful blender recently - which actually will have a role in my yard. Corn meal, spread on places where I do not want plants to take root. I understand it is a good way to stop germination (will probably only work on weeds that seed though - grass with roots will be tougher). Anyway - I have a huge bag of cracked, dry corn that I bought for this purpose -normally feed for stock - but for me it's going to be turned into cornmeal with my new blender - then spread in areas I don't want seeding weeds to take root and grow.