The money and art works held in trust within the Vatican and in other Catholic church buildings has same use as any money kept by a church or an individual who seeks to serve God. Some goes to help the poor, some to missions, some to hospitals, some to maintenance of buildings, some items are in use for worship and prayer, but I think everybody knows that. So I wonder why some choose to complain that the Catholic Church ought to sell all of its buildings and all of the things that have been donated to the Church over the past two thousand years while the ones complaining own houses, church buildings, gold rings, cars, and wide screen TVs as well as computers with which to chat on the Internet. But to each their own ... nothing will be hid in the day of Judgement.
What do you use your money for? Is any wasted?
I waste money on things that are not necessary like my computer and tablet and mobile phone (though the phone was a gift so I didn't spend any money on it and so too was one of my tablet computers).
Let God be praised in everything and perhaps wealth is not a bad thing, right? At least if the wealth is not used to oppress others, flaunted, or treated as something for which one is entitled.