Lol last year for a whole week I had no internet in the holiday park. It costed 5 euro for an hour. I did it a few times, when I had to use internet. Didn't even shake. I'm so glad cf and recently christian chat forums banned me. I posted there whole nights.I sometimes wonder if I could spend the entire day offline. :scared:
Hai peeps, the baby was born on Wednesday!
Sounds like a major project
Wow you are talking rebuilding basically
Yeah half the cost of a project like that is labor
All so true but a lot of work nonethe lessA good chunk of the cash cost is labor, a good chunk of the general aggravation is having men in my house at times that suit them rather than the times that suit me. When I'm doing the work myself I don't have to start at 7am and don't have to finish at 4pm. I can also go out for a while without worrying whether the workmen are going to steal the silverware (even if the silverware is metaphorical!)