Here at Christianity Haven we consider Roman Catholics to be Christians. Instead of bashing an entire denomination, talk about the things you have issues with instead and if people want to respond they will. Not in this thread though.
Our only active Catholic has the THIRD MOST "likes" of any poster at CH - several times more "likes" than I have!
I hardly see evidence of the "how come everybody's alwaz pic'n on pur Kathoks!" The "persecution complex" some Catholics at times seem have on the 'net (even at CatholicAnswers!) - it amazes me, stuns me. My doctorate is not in psychology so I hesitate to theorize as to the basis for this, but it sure seems common and popular. More than one internet community has been destroyed (IMO) by trying to appease the persistent "persecution complex" that some Catholics seem to have.
I have posted my opinion of the RC Denomination many times at many websites - including here. I have stated MANY very, very positive things about it. To date, NO ONE - not even one Catholic, lay or ordained - NOT ONE has been willing to return EVEN ONE of the positive things I believe about Catholics and the RC Denomination to me and my denomination (the LCMS). Not one. For even ONE of the many positive things I've written. Including More Coffee. Yet, I'M often said to be the "ANTI" one! Frankly, I'm tired of the "how come you're always pic'n on we pur katholikes" thing when I make a point they evidently don't want to (or can't) reply to. Frustrating. But SO common. And since I've been on staff at a couple of websites, I KNOW they at times then will hit the "Report" button to try to get staff to silence the poster since they can't, screaming "he hurt my feelings, he's pic'n on pur me again!" Frustrating. And since I just lack knowledge of how the persecution complex works, it puzzles me.
Lamm, I agree..... we need to discuss TOPICS, POSITIONS, POSTS..... and put away the persecution complexes, the "trump card" that all is silenced if I claim my feelings have been hurt or I feel I'm being picked on. We're adults here. Even non-Christians know that when Christians gathering, there WILL be disagreements on points of view and practices. Happens. Posters who come to sites like this should be adult enough to realize and accept that. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." ALL denominations and faith views have protected websites where one will NOT be challenged, where tough questions are disallowed, where only "yes men" are allowed, where no heat is allowed.... some need to stay there. I know..... I'm
NOTORIOUS for my position on this point (here at CH I can state it void of the uber - PC'ism I use elsewhere to express this.... oh, how I love this site!).
Oh, one more thing (while I'm showing my lack of PC'ism): If you dish it out, don't complain when others follow suit in reply. If one posts that someone's denomination is not legit, don't get all hurt when they post back that they don't think your denomination is legit either. Some seem able to dish out what they don't take. Happens a lot. If you insist that some snippet from ones denomination does not equal truth, then don't get all in a huff when sometimes says that your snippet from your denomination does not equal truth. Goose/Gander. LEVEL playing field.
I like
More Coffee (he's even on my friends list - it's just not mutual). I LIKE Catholics. I'd LOVE for a
LOT more to come to this site and be active!! I've invited a few myself. I think they have MUCH to contribute.... and I think they OFTEN are correct. But to come and TALK, not hide behind some complex.
Sorry. uch: :sigh:
Just my half cent......
- Josiah