Josiah said:
I agree. Which means that JESUS is the Savior..... not the one each of us sees in the mirror.
In Catholicism, while SOME Catholics might (but probably not) give Jesus some role - perhaps the POSSIBILITY MAKER or perhaps HELPER - the Savior remains the one each sees in the mirror. As our Catholic teachers taught us, "Jesus opened the gate to heaven but you gotta get yourself through it by what YOU do." [SOME Catholics join with Jews, Muslims and some Hindus to indicate that we can't save ourselves by our OWN strength but need - and get - divine HELP but it's still self being the savior of self]. Many Cathollics seem downright offended and angry when it is professed that JESUS saves - immediately purging that faith and going on and on and on and on about THEIR works, THEIR righteousness, THEIR accomplishments, THEIR goody-goodiness, THEIR merits, THEIR worthiness..... why, they will talk about soteriology and not so much as even mention in passing Christ or the Cross or the Blood or mercy or forgiveness or anything Christian at all - just how they get gooder each day, how much God admires them, on and on.
But I believe that Jesus is the Savior and thus I'm not (job's taken).
I think [MENTION=13]Josiah[/MENTION] 's response of a case of doctrine triumphing over holy scripture.
I don't think so. I think it's a case of one's docilic submission to an individual denomination trumping holy Scripture.
And I think that when things are confused, mixed-up, entangled, lumped together - and then a HUGE amount of ego is added - well, it's possible to come up with wrong ideas (even the abandonment of Christianity). Such as when self is confused with God..... law confused with Gospel..... sanctification confused with justification (narrow, both)..... if a lot of egoism is added, if everything is watered down to near nothing.... we can end up with SELF as the savior (or at least part-Savior), Jesus made into nothing (or perhaps just a HELPER or POSSIBILITY-MAKER) as self makes self big and Christ small.
We all agree (and everyone always has!!! Everyone..... always..... has.....) that CHRISTIANS are called to great things (absolute moral perfection, complete love even as Christ loved us from the Cross, absolute and perfect devotion to God, making disciples of all 7.4 billion people, etc., etc., etc.). Luther taught that. Calvin taught that. The RC Denomination in their day tuaght that. NO ONE disagreed with that. And all agreed NO CHRISTIANS can do any of that (or even make process that counts) without the HELP of God. And all agreed that NO CHRISTIAN instantly accomplishes that (we hopefully grow in that). Luther was not excommunicated because he agreed with the individual RC Denomination that Christians are called to much, that the Law still applies to us. Nope. We agreed on that. We still do.
So, there's no need for a thread on that topic because no one disagrees on that topic, that topic doesn't divide us, no one questions that point. But this thread is not about that point - so, no, there's no reason to "broaden" this topic to embrace that one - except by those who wish to muddy things, confuse all, mix-up truths, entangle things into a mess, all to make self large and Christ small, all to get the glory on self and away from God.
This thread is about JUSTIFICATION (narrow). BECOMING a child of God, BEING born again, our CHANGED relationship with God. Luther was excommunicated by the individual RC Denomination because he argued that JESUS is the Savior. Jesus IS the Savior. IS. SAVIOR. Not self. THAT was the horrible, horrible heresy that the individual RC Denomination has been crying about for over 500 years.... NOT that Luther was wrong about sanctification, discipleship, the Law (because ALL have ALWAYS agreed on those things!), NO, because Luther was wrong about a different topic, a narrow topic - justification - Luther's horrible, heretical affirmation that Jesus is the Savior. The same one that STILL causes Catholics to recoil in horror, to quickly disagree, to retort that justification is about ME.... it's all about WE must do this .... WE must to that.... that what matters is the works of ME, the accomplishments of ME, the goodiness of ME.
Yes, Scripture teaches Law and it also teaches another truth, Gospel. What it does not teach is the enormously watered-down, mixed up, confused, blended, entangled MESS of Pelagianism/synergism/I-save-me-by-being-wonderful of Catholic justification. What we were taught by our Catholic teachers: "Jesus opened the gate to heaven but YOU gotta get YOURSELF through it by what YOU do." I think in terms of justification (narrow), the Bible teaches that JESUS IS THE SAVIOR.... not the one we see in the mirror. Not wholly, not party. Not now, not ever. We have ANOTHER role.... Jesus has ANOTHER role in the OTHER subject of sanctification (our lives as CHRISTIANS) but that's not the subject of this thread (or pretty much any other since no one disagrees on that and the RC Denomination didn't split itself over that and the RC Denomination didn't excommunciate anyone over that).
Thank you.
- Josiah