Adam was made man but Jesus was conceived. They were both 100% man yet Jesus is 100% God at the same time.
yes of course though not the topic -
dont be afraid to search out the things of the scriptures to see if "other things " we have been taught to assume ,are indeed aligned with the scriptures or merely things passed on by assumptions that became tradition that became assumed to be truth. file it under "testing all things "
. So he was born of a virgin for what reason -? based on scripture it was for the reason of
"a sign" .. Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
but why the assumption his "becoming flesh " had anything to do with the virgin ? why the assumption that god required an egg to be fertilized? if he who is spirit and it is "
by whom all things were created .for by his word all things were created and without HIM nothing was created that has been created " and he who is spirit became seed then why assume he who is spirit did not also become egg ? so that he who is spirit "became " flesh , just as the word of God states . it does not say the word of God became seed and then entwined with the egg of a woman to fertilize it .. -Yet that is almost an unspoken assumption and an imposed implication . but why would he require that to occur . is he who is spirit can then become a physical being in the form of the seed he could also become the physical being in the form of the egg meaning he could become the fertilized egg also .. he is GOD .
what dictates that he be of any part of sinful man to become the sinless saviour ? nothing i can see in scripture at this point in time dictates that to me .
the only reason i see in scripture that he is born of a virgin at all as a SIGN to the world a sign declaring who he is becaseu it is foretold that it would be .
now .. of course that begs -and rightly so - a look into the word "
conceived "
that was interesting . take a look at the link . note the root word etymology also - fascinating . the seizing, taking or "
getting " nature of the word is intriguing . Also the many variations of the term and use of the word translated as "conceived" . observing it objectively i see nothing in the meaning of the word either that dictates God required any "part " of mary (ie egg ) in order for his "word " to become manifest as flesh .just as he needed no egg to form adam as flesh ...