It seems that once again things get misrepresented and twisted, 1. I agree that jesus is God, I do not agree to praying to Mary or anyone other than Jesus.
Then why argue and disagree with ME for pages and pages! I never once even mentioned anyone praying to anything or anyone. Nor does the title. Nor does the Bible. And my responses were NEVER to that point, so again, why protest me?
And why agree, applaud and approve those insisting that it is specifically "false, wrong and blasphemy" to insist that Jesus may CORRECTLY be called "GOD" as the Bible itself verbatim does, as the Councils do? THAT has been the sole and only and exclusive issue of all my posts in this thread. The ones you've been disagreeing with. And why quote the protestors here in their promotion of Arianism and Nestorianism, the protestors of calling the Jesus born of Mary specifically "GOD" (as we all know Scripture itself verbatim and literally does) and their references to a notorious heretic and noting that you agree with what they stated? Your "sounds good" reply to that?
Secondly while both titles are correct
Then for 50 pages, you've been "siding" with the wrong folks! I'M among those insisting that the teachings are CORRECT and that Arianianism and Nestorianism are WRONG. You've been insisting I'M wrong and the protestors of what you NOW say is correct are RIGHT in condemning it as "false, wrong and blasphemy."
And you evidently chose to forget a point I made over and over and over, beginning with post # 14 way back on page two. Did you ever read it? Or any of the many others where I said the same thing? Did you read it since I reminded you of it?
combining them into what you want is wrong, wrong, wrong.
I disagree. Two truths does not equal one wrong. It may result in something hard to understand (such as Jesus is BOTH fully man and fully God). As the first, third and fifth ecumenical councils all stressed, it is CRITICAL to affirm that JESUS (the one born of Mary) IS God - fully, for without that affirmation, Christianity falls. By separating the Jesus from physical reality (as the heretic Arius did), by saying the Jesus who is God is NOT the Jesus who was born of Mary and who lived and who died means that Jesus is NOT our Savior. Thus it was important to link the divine Jesus WITH the physical Jesus - the one born of Mary. The flesh-and-blood, the bored Jesus. Thus, the title. There's HISTORY here, addressing the HERESIES you've been applauding and saying "sounds good." The DIVINE Jesus (GOD) is not different or disassociated from the HUMAN Jesus as Arius and Nestorius tried to do (and as our protestors here have tried to do - with your support). The one born of Mary (Jesus) IS God - fully. A repudiation of two condemned heretics and their followers (seems they still have followers today). His two natures are FULL and INSEPARABLE. So, not only do two truths NOT equal "wrong, wrong, wrong" but actually serves to underline that JESUS (that flesh and blood person born of Mary) IS God (as the Bible itself verbatim, literally, exactly states).
If your goal is to misdirect and m,islead then you have suceeded within your own church
The "goal" is to convey truth. Even two of them. AGAINST condemned heretics (one of which you said "sounds good") and heresies (which you've been applauding and supporting). Heretics and heresies that deny that JESUS (the one born of Mary) IS God, as Scripture states. The goal is to condemn heresies and defend the Bible and Christianity.
I know of no Lutheran or Catholic or Orthodox (together, that's about 75% of all Christians today) who are "confused" by this. We've been taught the doctrine of the Two Natures of Christ. We've been taught that Mary bore Jesus (that gets a lot of emphasis around Christmas time) AND that THIS Jesus IS God (that gets emphasis all year, but especially in Epiphany). NOTHING in EITHER of those doctrines is seen by us as heretical or confusing. And thus, nor is the title or teaching that Mary bore Jesus who correctly is called "GOD" (as the Bible itself does). I don't think this "confused" anyone until maybe 50 years ago or so when it does seem a few American "Evangelicals" somehow, for some reason, got "confused." Of course, as we've witnessed, Arianism and Nestorianism - in spite of over 1500 years of condemnation - refuse to die and stick of their ugly heads from time to time, hoping to destory Christianity.
Clever words and twisting them dioes not hide the fact that it is wrong and sinful if it leads to taking the focus off Jesus. Are we done with this now or shall we go in circles some more
Affirming that Jesus is God is NOT leading people away from Christ. Insisting that Christ is NOT fully and inseparably God does that. Arianism and Nestorianism (and the heretic you noted "sounds good) are all about taking the focus off of Jesus. And no, it is not "clever words" for the BIBLE to literally state that Mary bore JESUS.... and it's not "clever words" for the BIBLE to literally, verbatim called THAT Jesus "GOD."
IF you are now withdrawing all your support for the Arianism and Nestorianism..... IF you are now agreeing with us (and verbatim with Scripture) that Mary bore Jesus and THAT Jesus may correctly be called (specifically) "GOD" rather than with those calling these things "wrong, false and blasphemous" then I'm glad. Welcome back to orthodox, biblical, traditional Christianity, lol. You now stand with us!!!! IF your point is that - very recently - some "Evangelicals" have found these truths "confusing" then read post # 14. NO ONE SAID OTHERWISE.... in fact, I said just that, many times. So why are you protesting ME?