I agree, a 'carnal' person is not a Christian. The doctrine that creates such a class of Christians is a serious error. It needs to be rejected.Carnal should never be recognized as what is in a Christian... cast them out.
I agree, under both covenants that wickedness of a wicked person will separate them from God unless there is repentance and repentance means turning away from wickedness while humbly seeking to serve God as he in his grace enables.Isaiah 59:2, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
Yes, for prayer to be effective - meaning holy and acceptable before God - it needs the grace and presence of the Holy Spirit.How about "prayer meetings" with the Holy Spirit there? Without God we can do nothing. So getting right with God is the only avenue for us. ”effectual prayer of a righteous man (which) availeth much.”
Yes, sin can arise from doubt but doubt by itself need not lead to sin and it is not itself a sin though scoffing and mocking doubt is sin. (Genesis 18:12-15; Luke 1:11-20)Does sin come from doubting God? 1 Titus 2:8, “I will then therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”
Yes, belief that does not produce godly works is dead and unable to serve instrumentally in the salvation of anybody (James 2:1-26; Matthew 25:31-46)If we are guilty of failing to practically apply our beliefs in tangible ways that actually help others, we are error-ing in our theology, cause that is where the rubber meets the road