How many times has the world been predicted to end according to Bible prophecy?
Why do some people continue to believe in these predictions despite them not coming true?
Only the father knows none of us no
JESUS left very clear the signs of His coming, and of the END of the world (Devil's world, of course).
2Peter 3:8 - But, beloved, be not IGNORANT of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The world of Devil, with its nations as a whole, and with all kind of its structures, I mean religious system, and politic system, and economic, military, social,and so on, they are already sufferring and will continue sufferring catastrofic and insufferable punishments in this seventh and last millennium, or seventh and last Day, the LORD's Day. Now, even now, from now on, there will be only and only SEVERE and unbearable, inssusfferable punishments. Get ready, if you're not ready yet to face what's coming soon.
By the way, this current precedent period of sorrows -Matthew 24:3-8 have a list of events made by JESUS- and it is still running, and it is a period of transition to the beginning of the ETERNAL/EVERLASTING chastisement, understand? There will not be any gap between this period of sorrows and the begining of the ETERNAL chastisement, it is a suscessive and immediate event of massive punishment, understand?
In fact, the EVERLASTING punishment of all nations, it had a deadline to start, but have not to end, it's forever, understand? As we can understand by the Word of GOD, it is forever and ever, the Word is GOD, the Word is self-executing, the Word of GOD is from everlasting to the everlasting, for GOD is Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, and OMNISCIENT.
I must say that we are living in the seventh and last Day, the Lord's Day, or seventh and last millennium, so the Eternal punishment is already started, it started FIRST by THE CURRENT PERIOD of period of sorrows-MATTHEW 24:3-8, so from now on it will NEVER end, but never.
Now, within this environment of punishments and pains, and the entire collapse of the Devil's world, the false messiah of the Jews, as you know, will manifest himself, as JESUS prophesied to the Jews, saying to them that an IMPOSTOR they will receive as their messiah-John 5:43-47, combined with 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, and Revelation 13 :11-18, among other biblical references. Take a look.
Thus, in the midst of severe chastisement and great suffering in all nations due the WRATH of the Lamb, we will soon see two Beasts reigning on Earth, through the fifth Universal and satanic Kingdom, the Antichrist's kingdom-Daniel 2:41-44:
1st - the ancient Gentile Beast of the Sea-Revelation 13:1-10;
2nd - the Beast of the earth (from Israel) who will still manifest himself as messiah-a false lamb, with two horns-Revelation 13:11-18.
Yes, I repeat, we will soon see two Beasts reigning on Earth, through the fifth Universal kingdom, a religious and satanic Kingdom, the Antichrist's kingdom-Daniel 2:41-44: from then on will begin the period of the last week(of years), the 70th week Daniel 9:27, and each Beast will reign for 3.5 years-42 months-or 1260 days - and who will first rule the 5th and last kingdom of the Devil-Daniel 2:41-44, combined with Luke 21:24 and Revelation 11:2, is the MAN Beast of sea-Revelation 13:1-9;
Then Revelation 11:2 and Revelation 13:5 will begin to LITERALLY be fulfilled as to the FIRST period of the last week, the first ruler of the 1st half of the last week is the old Gentile Beast of the sea. The worst of all punishments will happen in the beginning of the 2nd half of the last week, with the establishment of the Abomination of Desolation for 1290 days-Daniel 12:v.11. GET READY
Well, Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the WICKED shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Daniel 12:10
Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days-Dan.12:12. (Oh yes, blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the Ineffable, Wonderful, Indescribable, Unspeakable day, the day 1.335 - Hallelujaaah!!!, 45 days aftger the end of the period of 1290 days).
Has eternal punishment begun? Will be?
The current world as a whole are being chastised severely, strongly, but the worst is to still come, actually all the nations, all the world of Devil, with all kind of structures they all have, yeah, all the nations, are sufferring and will suffer catastrofic and severe punishment, mainly from now on.
Get ready
Matthew 25:6 &10-
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM.
10 -> and they that were(are) ready went (go) in with Him to the marriage
(Revelation 19:8-9, take a look): and the door was(is) shut.
Luke 18:8- Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.