Ok, but if you're going to be consistent about God's control of everything, then you have to ask why did there need to be a plan for salvation in the first place? You will of course cite the "fall of man" and Genesis. But if God is in control of everything then it MUST have been HIS WILL and HIS PLAN for Adam and Eve to do what they did. It was HIS plan to put the forbidden tree right there where they could get at it (instead of placing it somewhere safe). It must have been HIS PLAN and WILL that the serpent was also there to tell them (truthfully) that God was lying about the tree being deadly to them and it must have been God's plan and will that Adam and Eve would eventually eat from the tree.
One begins to see how utterly nonsensical the Bible stories are IF you try to take them literally instead of allegorically. In fact it's even worse than I have described above if you are of the Christian denomination/type that believes God is Omniscient, all-knowing, knowing every single thing that ever happened, that is happening and that will happen in the future.
For this would mean that God put the forbidden tree right there within reach of Adam and Eve VERY DELIBERATELY and KNOWING IN ADVANCE that they would eventually eat from it and thereby cause the fall of man and the millenia of suffering and torment that would follow and the resulting need for a Jesus and his torture and crucifixion.
Do people really not think these things through?
Doesn't all of this suggest a God with a completely warped and screwed up mind? God could have avoided all this torment and turmoil by just placing the forbidden tree outside the Garden of Eden. The story makes no sense.
And that's because the story is NOT in fact literal. It is allegorical like so much else of Genesis. You're not supposed to think there was a real Adam and Eve. They are allegorical factors, they represent the male and female principles of all things of Nature. People have been hoodwinked by the Church's ridiculous constructed stories and ideology. They've not applied critical thinking, they've been made foolish by the doctrine and the divisive psychological techniques the Church employs.
In fact most Christians have totally glossed over Genesis and the most glaring giveaway recorded in it, which is where God wilfully lies to Adam and Eve. Some have seen it and because of their indoctrination have sought to make some kind of apology or excuse for it, for what else can they do? Their ideology demands that God must be a perfect being incapable of lying.
Genesis 2:17
"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
It's right there. God said, if you eat from the tree, then ON THAT VERY DAY, YOU WILL DIE.
It doesn't say, you will spiritually die or figuratively die or any other made up nonsense. It says very clearly you will die.
What actually happened?
Adam ate from the tree.
He went on living. He walked around the garden. He realised he was naked. He sewed fig leaves to make clothes. He subsequently spoke with God who asked him how he knew he was naked. He was thrown out of the Garden of Eden. He subsequently had sex with Eve and produced 2 sons, Cain and Able. Adam went on to live over 900 years !!!
Here are all the things Adam did after he was supposed to die the same day he ate from the tree
Genesis 3:21 "And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them."
Genesis 4:1 "Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gottena a man with the help of the Lord"
Genesis 4:25 "And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his name Seth,"
Genesis 5:3 "When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth"
Genesis 5:4-5 "The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 5Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died."
Wow, Adam was a pretty lively dead man wouldn't you say ? !!! He lived 930 years.
He didn't die the day he ate from the forbidden tree
God lied.
Pure and simple.
That is, IF . . . . . the Bible story of Gensis is taken literally.
This can not be reconciled.
I've heard all manner of Christian apologetics make excuses for God's lie in Genesis.
There's the "oh well he just meant he was dying spiritually" or some other mumbo jumo new age nonsense
I've had some fanatical fundamentalists actually INSIST that in fact Adam DID DIE the very moment he ate from the tree and that God subsequently created another 2nd carbon copy of Adam which is who the rest of Genesis refers to.
It's honestly tragic to see hoodwinked people stoop to such levels when the Bible text is as clear as day.