Living in His Kingdom is light compared to what the world burdens you with. The freedom in Him is awesome. I rejoice in Him who has saved me. I love to serve Him who has saved me to the uttermost. What a privilege, what a blessing, and has the "peace that passes all understanding"... as I rest in Him. The world sees me and thinks it is work. Not in Him it isn't. It is easy as He said it would be. Now the cross over from Satan's world is rift with boobytraps, snares, enticements, and deceptions to trip up a poor soul on His journey into God's Kingdom. The victories put to rest once and for all sins that so easily beset us and the strength in Him comes with the fullness of His Spirit within us to live like Him. I no longer struggle with what seems to be the contradictions and controversies between grace and the law that is posted on this thread. That war is over and God's kingdom is victorious in me. It has transformed me from the ways of the world to His Kingdom and living like Yeshua did when He walked the earth. Sin does easily beset us, but only if we focus on it. The second you realize what is going on, and the truth shines through, grab it and rejoice for in it you will find the tool to overcome that sin.