Some stuff I did today:
I made (mostly) whole wheat flat bread that I intended to turn into chips/crackers (like corn chips but with wheat). I used potato water mixed with onion, tomato paste and chili as the liquid element to the dough, which was autolysed. Salt was added for the short kneed period when using autolyse. They turned out o k, but I think I can do better.
I also made hash browns with bell pepper and onion in bulk for freezing.
Composed a little. Actually, I compose often, however it is usually characterized by some degree of established chord patterns or sequences. Part of breaking out of musical ruts is to challenge one's habits to create outside of them.
Started viewing a 10-hour documentary on the history leading up to, dealing with and examining the reasons, lead up to and culmination of both world wars, which so far has been short on drama and long on proving historical facts that few people in Western societies are taught either in school or through the brainwashing of popular movies and literature. Much of the information (if it were contained in a book) would be banned by the likes of Amazon, which, if you didn't know, started to de-list a bunch of Revisionist material several years ago.