IF you ever choose to join an LCMS church.... IF you ever are confirmed in an LCMS parish... you will be asked to agree with ONE THING: The Small Catechism of Martin Luther (here:
The Small Catechism ) Not a current publishing house's explanation of such but the actual document. "Do you agree with the teachings of the Lutheran Church as found in the Small Catechism of Martin Luther?" That would be what you will be asked. Nothing about Kansas City vs. Texas BBQ, nothing about Donald Trump, nothing about solar electrical panels.
IF you bother to read it (it takes about 10 minutes), you will discover that it says NOTHING about microevolution or dinosaurs or birds ... or whether there is life on Titan or or a host of other issues.
I suspect that lots of LCMS MEMBERS have OPINIONS about life on Titan or dinosours or Donald Trump or a LOT of other things. But that doesn't mean any of those opinions are the doctrine of the LCMS. And by the way, you will find lots of Catholic members who have opinions about life on Titan or dinosours or Donald Trump but that doesn't mean any of those are the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Indeed, as I understand it, NEITHER the LCMS or the RCC have declared dogma in either the Catechism of either the LCMS or RCC about any of those things. NEITHER do.
And friend, if your faith is in microevolution rather than Jesus - then "going back to Catholicism" isn't going to help you. Both denominations hold that our faith is to be in Christ. Microevolution is part of a theory of biology... I'd strongly suggest that you put your faith in Christ, not a current theory of biology.