Today was mostly unproductive but I did make some progress with a paper shredder. A friend gave it to me years ago - he wasn't able to fix it so gave it to me as a project if I felt like tinkering with it. Now I have a workspace to play with I decided to see what I could do. Getting it apart at all was an ordeal - I ended up having to file a screwdriver to make the head narrower just to get at some of the screws - but eventually I got there. It looks like the circuit board is faulty and I don't know how to fix it, so I cut everything apart and connected a regular power supply to the motor. The motor clearly works, even if the power supply I used (12V, 0.75A) was barely enough to turn it. It did turn, and it had enough power to shred a sheet of paper, eventually.
Now I'm looking for a meatier power supply (I think I need something like 28V and 7-10A) I can connect to the motor and create the kind of mongrel paper shredder that dumps the pieces straight into a bin of my choosing. Since I cut away everything that controls the motor it won't have any niceties like paper detection, safety cutoffs etc - it will be a simple case that pressing a switch will activate it and it will turn until it either burns out or is disconnected. It will be good to be able to put it over a bin of my choosing - I'll be able to use a nice big bag and not have to worry about the regular troubles of remembering to empty a pathetically small drawer under the cutting head.
This looks like a well made cutting head - the cutting wheels are all metal and all the gears that drive the system are metal. This one won't strip the teeth if I feed it something a little more than it would like.