From what I can tell, the worship services in the churches that believe in Real Presence are more faithful in replicating the Last Supper than are those that see the service as mere symbolism. The latter do use shot-glass type containers, substitute grape juice for wine, do not use a common cup, and of course do not believe the ceremony to be as Christ himself described it.
By contrast, in the liturgical churches, the officiant (priest, minister) does wear attire that mimics the clothing worn in the first century, a common cup is used (as was the case at the Last Supper and according to the Gospel account), actual wine is used, a holy table is employed (it is absent in most "evangelical" churches) and the belief is that the elements are just as Christ said they were.
As we all know, not every detail of the Last Supper is available to us, but if you are asking which kind of churches more faithfully continue the look and style of the Last Supper, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is the liturgical churches that believe in the Real Presence, not the fundamentalist/Pentecostal, etc. type.