You might want to read the opening paragraph again where I state that God is omniscient.
If anything, those who believe salvation can be lost are denying God's omniscience. They act as if God doesn't know someone will "lose" their salvation. So He saves them from hell only to be disappointed later.
actually they are agreeing with the lord JEsus
the seed is sown on many soils and some
receive it gladly but their stony hard hearts are do not submit to his work in their heart to transform them they refuse the oil of his Holy Spirit and they have no root in them and they wither and die when the heat comes on -yet at the moment they received the Gospel they were saved ..
but we are not saved to a meandering existence of drifting along doing as the flesh pleases but we are saved unto obedience .. those that then ,having been saved, turn back to disobedience, will not arrive at the destination the straight narrow way leads to .for the rebellious will not inherit the kingdom of heaven . it is not denying his omniscience to believe what he has said is true, for he has spoken from his omniscience .
i don't believe we can lose our salvation accidently ..only by willful neglect and disobedience .
the parable of the wise and foolish virgins is a parable about believers and a dire warning to those who having believed .. then refuse to lay down their own will and seek God continually to be continually filled with his Holy Spirit .
there is no neutral benign ground in the battle for our souls .. once we enter into the promises of the lord _as the scriptures display to us - the enemy will ever try to drive us out of them again . many will find in their neglect of seeking the face of God to ever know him to ever be filed of his Holy Spirit will find when he returns their lamp is empty and will not light up at his return .. though in times past t
hey were filled .. (those 5 foolish virgins had lamps and the lamps were in times past filed with the oil of the Holy Spirit )they did not walk worthy of their calling in him ..they
slid back and walked as the world around them and the lord has no delight in those that do so . and the lord Jesus said .. when the bride groom comes they will be found wanting and they will be SHUT OUT .
it is a
dire warning to all the church for in the parable .. a
whopping 50% of the church is found unready and is SHUT OUT .. -there is a reason
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for they will know they have only their love of this world and refusal to hear the shepherd and obey him
wont ever convince me that the lord JEsus does not mean exactly what he says and i will never cease to agree with him as one who
means what he says
the saved are as trees but the tree that does not bring forth fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire -