DHoffmann in Post #29 [emphasis added to focus attention]:
psalms 91 in Post #41:
I would quietly submit that the incident on the road to Damascus was somewhat unique. For instance:
- The incident was unparalleled in that God was choosing a special vessel for a ministry unique in history;
- Saul (Paul) was antipathetic to the Gospel when the experience commenced;
- The experience did not fill Saul with the Holy Spirit or result in personal supernatural manifestations (see Acts 9:17);
- The experience did not take place in the kind of environment with which modern manifestations are normally associated;
- The experience does not parallel God’s working supernaturally in the life of a believer;
- Nor is there anything to suggest that Saul’s travel companions were “slain in the Spirit” or given special powers, either.
So the invoking of that particular specialised situation to support a dissimilar general modern practice, lacks a degree of credence.
Especially since a careful reading of Acts Chapters 6 and 8 shows that only the Apostles had the power to confer the Holy Spirit in “power mode” on others. Refer particularly to Acts 6:3-5, Acts 8:5-8, Acts 8:14-17. (And while Acts 10:34-48 is a special case, i.e. the bringing of the Gospel to Gentiles, it still involved the presence of an apostle and in this case accepting minds predisposed to believe.)
(In case some people are not aware, the Holy Spirit has two distinct modes of direct operation – the indwelling of true believers, and specific supernatural empowerment as seen in both the Old and New Testaments. It is helpful to keep these modes separate in one’s mind.)
Not the point but that's ok. My original experience wasn't at a church btw, I was in a rage with my girlfriend at the time and was set on catching her cheating on me (I read a text where some guy said he was going to pick her up from town square and that he has drugs)... 10 minutes later I am laying on the street in the middle of town square with people praying over me, I felt my body getting filled with something Holy, the words they were saying where literally transforming my body... it felt like it was changing my DNA, my girlfriend was there praying over me too.. you see when I got there I saw people lying on the road and I was so confused... I stood there looking down at them, I looked up to the one praying over them and it was her, a man put his hand on my shoulder and said "You were brought her for a reason"... I started wailing the most dog gone annoying painful sound and it was so loud, I looked about and there were so many strangers coming towards me from all directions... I focused my eyes on her and she looked angelic, the atmosphere looked very angelic as well. I walked up to her still making loud moans and hugged her with tears running down my face and time felt frozen.. She started whispering "you have to let it go, you have to give it to the Lord" and all of a sudden my knees started to bow, I felt heavy and I felt that I had to surrender to the Lord, a man asked me "do you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior?" I replied "yes"... Thats when a roar of commotion around me started to seep into my body (its hard to explain, it felt like my body was literally made up of words :/ ) the words were so beautiful in calling on Jesus the creator of the Universe and the maker of men and so on... Others were people speaking in an unknown language but to me it sounded like a choir of angels, she was praying over me...by this point I notice that I had been on the ground for what seems like a timeless moment, I really dont know, I do know that it was the flashing of lights over my closed eyes that caught my attention and they got brighter and faster until I heard "get up" and it was her voice... I didn't want to tho, I wanted to stay there but I heard her again "get up" and I opened my eyes and stood up. I felt soo bewildered, it felt like a dream.
Ever since that day that I will never forget (12/13/2014 a sunday, at 6pm) I can not steal (I was a huge clepto) and I have lost a great deal of jealousy and strife, I no longer blasphemy, I obtained conviction and deliverance from the Father via his Spirit...
She never met up with anyone that night btw, she also had no clue that I was going to show up, I had no clue about the Holy Spirit or who these people were... All I know is that my life changed dramatically and it was something I had prayed for -for about 2 years prior at least. It was the working of the Holy Ghost IMHO and I will take that to the grave, no one can convince me other wise...
Now the second time was when I went to the Church and in that experience it was a healing as well, I gained new convictions and I quit drugs all together (btw that evening at town square I had been out of drugs so you can't blame it on that)...
God works in mysterious was but remember this... if you ask you shall receive, that's what I did but the timing was unknown to me...
Now do I believe that ALL should have this experience??? NOT FOR A SECOND! If I truly felt that way it would only be to say "here you got proof! now do you believe me?"... that would be selfish right? Indeed it would be. God speaks to all of his children! God loves us and shows us throughout our lives how much he loves us!
So for me, that was my road to Damascus so to speak, and what happened to Paul was an incredible and miraculous working of God into the soul of a man who was on the path to destruction...
God bless