I reject your rejection of Jesus as the Savior.
You wrote, "The just did good." Correct. It does not say, "dead people without faith, without the Holy Spirit, without life did good and THUS became just - making Jesus irrelevant and meaning there is no inheritance, just payment for work done."
Matthew 25:34 is Law. For the Dead, it is condemning because NO dead, lifeless, faithless person void of the Holy Spirit does this - indeed, it is IMPOSSIBLE for such to do ANYTHING pleasing to God. Hebrews 11:6. For those justified, for those with the free gift/inheritance of spiritual life, faith, Holy Spirit, we ARE called to MUCH but that's another issue for another day and thread and an issue on which there is no debate, no disagreement. Yes, the JUSTIFIED are to do good but "good" done by DEAD, lifeless, atheistic enemies of God, void of faith and void of the Holy Spirit (which is an impossibility vis-a-vis God) is not what justifies them - making Jesus a sick joke and Christianity wrong.