Ever seen Kanye West? (He lived in Chicago for many years..not sure if he still does)
What was your favorite job outside of the home?
It's going to sound weird but I really did love being a substitute high school teacher. I also hated it the most too! LOL But when the day was good it was really good and the kids were so sweet and loved having me around. They said I made them calm and was a positive effect on them and a lot of classes threw a fit if they got a different sub than me! The pay was awful though.
Yeah that sounds a little nuts. Even though I am in schools everyday I would not want to be a teacher.
What was your favorite subject in school?
ArtI ended up going to art school after high school! It was my favorite to sub for as well because no one else wanted to sub for those classes since they didn't know how to help the students with their projects.
My favorite is to work with colored pastels (chalks). I'm not even sure why I prefer it because they bother my sinuses! Here is a piece that I've done:
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I’ve signed up recently and when I click the “home” button on the app it still says it’s waiting on a confirmation email even though I’ve done everything there is to do. Is it just me?
I read today that you were a substitute teacher at one time. Would you ever decide to go back to doing that again?
What grade did you teach most?