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If you claim to believe in Single Predestination
I affirm ALL the Scriptures any Reformed reference in terms of Election. I believe that Jesus IS THE Savior and, as the Creed puts it, "The Author and Giver of Life." Thus, the first part of what MennoSota write (and you agreed IS the topic here) is correct.
I do not agree that God equally and proactively in the same sense chooses most to fry eternally in hell .... I disagree with the Calvinists who have posted, written and told me that essentially God "gets off" on this and is "gloried" by this, that it is His hearts desire and will that that most eternally fry in hell..... that ERGO God did not so love the world that He gave to them; I disagree with "God only loved the Elect and to them ONLY did He send His only begotten Son...." "God desires the most men fry eternally in hell...." you know, the Calvinist conjecture, which I think you've largely confessed is a "logical" conjecture of a man, not something God ever stated.
Another point: I'm not opposed to questions. I AM opposed to some sinful, fallen, broken, limited, ignorant man designating himself to answering it and then requiring God agree in order for God to be as smart as he is. Why? Well, in part because I believe in the sovereignty of God - not human conjectures, not man's brains, not "logic" based on an unknown amount of information. You, my esteemed friend, may ask valid questions.... it does not mean I (or anyone) has the dogmatic answer (especially when the two offered are both so unbiblical - as the other "side" so dramatically and undeniably proves over and over and over again). Calvinists (well, some) and Arminianists (well, some) have new and EQUALLY "logical" answers to the questions THEY asked based on what they think they know, and they both INSIST all MUST choose one or the other conjecture because no other is possible, and they both go one to prove the other's conjecture very unbiblical and ERGO (their favorite word) THEY are right. Maybe both are wrong.... at least in part? Maybe neither has all the information necessary to answer the question (even if they had the smarts to do it if they did)? Maybe GOD is the sovereign rather than the conflicting conjectures of 2 men? Maybe God wants us to be stewards of the mysteries of God rather than correctors of God charged with making God "logical" to men and making God make sense to fallen, puny humans? Maybe there can be wisdom in bowing before God.... in believing God just may know more about this than 2 men.... in believing that God actually meant what He said in the words He chose to inspire?
You simple hate the words and choose to redefine them.
No, I don't hate words such as "all" and "world" and "desire." I embrace them. And words such as "elect" and "chose" and "Savior" and "gift." And see no reason to delete and replace them because the words God inspired seem to make God illogical and not as smart as John or Jakob. I think you are getting to the problem: BOTH 16th Century "logical" constructs each equally "hate the words" and "choose to redefine them" - different words, but equally so. Why? Because what God stated doesn't seem logical to some fallen, broken, sinful, limited, puny, ignorant man... it can't be so.... so "all" must mean "few"..... etc., etc. If one permits God to be sovereign (rather than the brain and conjectures of self).... if one accepts God inspired the right words.... then, well, we could have a mystery here (as in the Trinity and Two Natures, etc, etc., etc., etc., etc.) but hey, God is smarter than self, God knows more than self, God is the sovereign one (not self). Maybe?
Let's be nice, lol.
- Josiah
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