While there is an argument against giving presents on Christmas day or eve, it would be more authentic, from a Biblical POV, to do it on Epiphany, January 6, than on the feast of St. Nicholas in early December.
Our family does (did) both.
We have (had) a kind of adults party at Epiphany with some parlor games and buffet style party food and hors d'ouvres and snacks and deserts all night.
Christmas is more about the the families within the family ... especially those with kids.
I dont fit in so much with it, and even though ppl come out more for church at Christmas and Easter, its a bit different for me.
Church is where its at for me anyway year round, when I can, I wish it was more, but anyway, it can make for some odd feelings when theres a big family thing at a holiday like this, bc theres RCatholics, more mainstream 'protestants', and believers and unbelievers too, all mixed in our family.
I just look for opportunities, but family usually doesnt want to 'get into it' much, so I really just am glad to spend some time in church with like-minded believers praising and rejoicing in our Saviour and hearing another Christmas message about the wonders of His love. But then ppl go home to there families.
I get mixed emotions, and this year looks to be a rather lonely Christmas, even more than usual, so ... Yeah, mixed emotions around the holidays.