In the gospel of John, the 17th chapter, Jesus is praying. In his prayer he states that he has revealed the Father's name to his followers. What name did he reveal to them?
Not for us to know. Had it been so the disciples would have revealed God the Father's name.
Many would like to say Yahweh (English translation) would be his name but as Jesus said no man has seen the Father. That would mean Yahweh is not the Father, not only did man talk to but also saw Yahweh. Yahweh and Jesus are one and the same. Jesus became known as Yeshua once he was born in the flesh.
I wonder why there is so many name changing?
One also does not consider Yahweh was also called El / Elohim. Abraham made his offering to him through Melchizedek of the Canaanites in the City of Salem, which later became Jerusalem. Roughly 420 years after Elohim blessed Abraham he became known as Yahweh through Moses.
And when you read Revelation 19:12 a new name is given that no man knows.
Just like no man has seen our Father no man alive knows his name - which was only revealed to a chosen few.