Dave, you have nothing to offer but your BASELESS ACCUSATIONS.
Your repeated accusation that Luther murdered thousands.
NOTHING to show Luther personally murdered ANYONE, much less thousands.
Now your additional accusation that Luther murdered witches.
NOTHING to show that Luther personally murdered ANYONE, much less thousands.
Either you care choosing to "bear false witness"
Or you don't read even what you yourself state, and thus don't know what you are stating.
Either PROVE from respected historians of the time that STATE (and give proof) that Luther personally killed thousands of people, including witches. Or stop lying, admit that you lied, repent and ask forgiveness.
That's the adult, mature thing to do.
That's the Christian thing to do.
I don't know if you have ANY credibility or respect left here; I suspect that's hit rock bottom, zero, you've pretty much destroyed all that. But do the right thing.