Science has told everyone no man as made the Shroud of Turin.. Its an undisputed fact. Like my postcard above.
It's an authentic shroud made by hand and I am sure someone was dead in there at some point.. probably for a good while.. but Jesus wasn't the only one crucified at Golgotha.. it was common.. and water stains sometimes look like Mary, and if you dab paint in the center of a paper and fold it it can resemble a heart, a butterfly, or whatever you interpret it as at first glance..
It's a curious artifact none the less.. could be His or it could not be His but I wouldn't trust anyone who says they can prove either way.. I don't walk by sight but by faith, science also "proves" that my lineage began with an unknown primate monkey man and that tiny tweeting little birdies used to be terrifying enormous flesh eating dragon lizards.. but they weren't there too see it happen, just like we weren't there to see Christ crucified..
So just have faith.. and to be clear I am not telling you that it's certainly not the shroud of Christ because I wouldnt know.. I don't even own a microscope