Well, justification by God is not a mere legal fiction declared by God - That is a silly notion...
The race is ongoing to the end, living a repentant life and conducting one's self as a member of the Body of Christ - Which means participating insofar as one can in the daily Services of the Church, and especially the Mysteries of Confession, Repentance, Communion, and daily prayers and the giving of Alms, forgiving all and loving even one's enemies...
Scripture tells us to be asking that we should be receiving, and I have personally come to the opinion, my own, that asking in words is not what is effective, but asking in deeds - For the merciful receive mercy, the forgiving receive forgiveness, and those who receive healing of infirmities live lives that scorn the infirmities that they have, that God should heal them, because they have asked by not yielding to their own infirmities... I remember my first Kneeling Service with its long prayers as my knees were killing me on the hard marble floor, and in that agony, most everyone was collapsed in full prostration... So I made a decision to utterly disregard the agony and let my dumb knees hurt all they wanted to hurt, but I was not going to get off of them - A dangerous thing to do, because of the temptation of pride... But I did it, and was crippled for a month and a half, but God seems to have heard my request, and I have not had any knee pain during those prayers ever since that day - The weakness was removed...
No, I did not remove the infirmity, as an athlete might boast in his self-imposed conditioning - But God did, and I am persuaded that had I not willingly endured the pain and damage the first time, He would have granted THAT request as well...
Now the point of the story is that I can now say that I have "righteous knees", but they came through the suffering of that first service, yet the righteousness of my knees was not my own doing, but God's making them firm in response to my letting them hurt... A trivial example, no question, but illustrative of the interactive nature of repentance and God's Grace of healing in response to it... I did not force the Grace in any way, but I did ask in the Faith to be able to DO the kneeling that those long prayers entailed, by doing them through pain... Ballerinas and MMA fighters and other athletes all do somewhat the same - with varying results... Weak hand structure in a fighter can sideline his carreer... There is a reason the Apostle compares the praxis of this Faith of Christ to someone engaged in an athletic contest!
But the Scripture is clear: Man repents, and God heals...
ps - You DO know, I am sure, that More Coffee is the 8th Sacrament, do you not??