Your insights and ... manage it.
Building on what I take as the main essence of what you are saying, and trying to help you put it into practice most effectively, some thoughts occurred to me.
Please find out what imagination is and use it in how to interact with fellow non-administrators who are morally of supreme importance, and how to relate alchemy and your other questions to thread owners and questions.
Why don't you interact when I start threads and / or invite me to start a thread of "our" own when I say something that interests you, as I'm sure it does.
At least one of the people who found themselves finding you annoying (forgive me if that's not the right word, it is early morning here) (post 51) does not appear to be an administrator.
May I draw everybody's attention to a quaint and extremely constructive feature - alarmingly called "ignore" LOL - which is not nasty at all as its main effect is to reduce the initial visual display on an ad hoc basis and one can "take a big peep" at all times by clicking "show ignored content".
Alchemy in its different versions not all of which you agree with (I assume), has presumably its / their place in "schemes of things". I would have thought we could relate points like this somehow to the central focus of the forum, and especially depending on the context being staked out by the thread starter.
Occasionally you have brought a question of your own which I found interesting and have addressed it as a fellow ordinary human being as you may have noticed.
We all occasionally talk across a thread or bring in something not relevant, but that gets outweighed by when we are assisting with the thread starter's focus.
You will surely have noticed several of us sometimes make enigmatic remarks that harmonise
well with an alchemical outlook, you could give us a thumbs up for it.
Thus: respect me, respect Lucian, don't assume third parties are speaking for administrators. People that fall for wedge driving are a too easy target. Aren't you above that?
I can tell you are copying bad "christians" because those were the main source from where it earlier got spread through our society.
Give us space and time to show ourselves up, whether we are, as individuals, like that or not, and whether at a bad moment or consistently. Place boring people like me under the quite tactful "ignore". The space is all of ours to do so for ourselves, revolving around the stated centres. I hope the administrators don't "mind" me invading their philosophical territory!
Think deeply: why do we need you (I say we do). For an alchemist
some of the way you unfolded your thinking processes didn't look very deep.
Key: an I-word: Imagination; the anthropology laboratory atop your shoulders. What and who you are and we ordinary members are.
Thread starter = stakeholder.